Prominent Scholar and Eminent Author Professor Dr Iqbal Ali Passes Away
Dr A. Khan
Chicago, IL

Prominent scholar and eminent author Professor Dr Iqbal Ali passed away on the morning of July 7, at his son Akhlaq Ali’s home in Santa Clara, California.
Dr Ali had fifty years of experience and expertise in the field of Water Resource Management and Engineering. He graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Jabalpur (1958) and acquired his Master’s degree in Dams and Water Power Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur (1960), and completed his PhD from the University of Leeds, UK (1969). He was a member of ASCE and International Association of Environmental Impact Assessment, and Life Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Pakistan, and Pakistan Engineering Congress
Dr Ali served on the faculty of the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore (1962-1975), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (1975 – 1987), and NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi (1988-1997 & 2008-2012). He was a member of the Technical Committee on Water Resources (2003-2005), appointed by the Government of Pakistan to look into the possibility of building the Kalabagh Dam (KBD) and related issues.
Dr Iqbal Ali was a prolific writer; he authored a plethora of books in English and Urdu. He wrote numerous research articles, and many books and textbooks which are being used in universities around the globe.
In his most recent book, Undeclared Water War on Pakistan: Tactical and Strategic Defense Measures, Professor Iqbal Ali presented a captivating account of an undeclared water war imposed on Pakistan. Dr Ali presented a historical perspective and the social, economic, and ecological challenges that must be overcome to prevent the looming water crisis. In his view, Pakistan has already reached the level of Ethiopia and other desert nations, such as Libya and Algeria, and water shortage is forcing it to become a water-scarce nation. In this book Dr Iqbal Ali skillfully covered a wide span of time, from pre-partition to the present, by critically examining past and present water issues and assessing future scenarios related to an undeclared water war that has been imposed on Pakistan. The author masterfully juxtaposed technical details with historical facts in straightforward language so that readers with non-technical backgrounds could grasp the complexities of the issue.
Dr Iqbal Ali also authored a textbook titled Irrigation & Hydraulic Structures 5E (2015). In this book Dr Iqbal Ali covered Pakistan's design practices in Irrigation Systems based on river diversion. The book won international acclaim and was selected by Teijin Institute of Water Resources, Development and Investigation, Beijing, China, for translation into Chinese. The Chinese translation was published in 2006 to serve as a resource for 700 Engineering Universities and consulting firms in China.
Dr Iqbal Ali also wrote a number of books on a wide spectrum of Islamic topics; his work included: (1) The Seeraat of Prophet Muhammed (SAW), titled Aftab e Nabuwat;(2) Seeraat e Iman ul Ambia (SAW) Volumes I & II, an adaptation of Seeraat’s classic book Al-Wafa bi Fadha’il al-Mustafa (Al wafa ba Akhwa lil Mustafa) written by prominent Islamic scholar Imam Ibn al-Jawzī‘s (1126 – 1200); (3) Nabi Kareem (SAW) Aur Sahabah Karaam (RA), an adaptation of Hayat Al-Sahabah, (The Prophet's Companions' Way of Life) written by prominent Islamic scholar Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi(1917–1965).
Dr Iqbal Ali was a close associate of Professor Dr Ghulam Mustafa Khan, a prominent scholar and eminent Sufi of Naqshbandi order. He also wrote a biography of Dr Ghulam Mustafa Khan, titled Meray Hazrat Sahib.
Dr. Iqbal Ali was an avid speaker and conducted numerous Muraqaba meetings all over the globe. He was passionate about the poetry of Rumi and Iqbal.Professor Dr Iqbal Ali also lectured, on the life and the times of Sufis, all over the world.
Dr Ali’s Namaz e Janza was offered on July 9 at 1:30 pm at MCA Santa Clara, California. He is survived by his wife Farhat Iqbal, and three sons, Akhlaq Ahmed Ali, Akhlas Ahmed Aliand Dilshad Ahmed Ali.