AMWEC and Temple Bat Yahm Organize Largest Interfaith Iftar
By Anila Ali

The American Muslim Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Council AMWEC and Temple Bat Yahm, collaborated for the second year to host the largest Interfaith iftar in Southern California.
It was indeed a coming together of peoples of all faiths. A young Pakistani American Ayaan Aziz, began the proceeding with recitation from the Holy Qur’an. Rabbi GershZylbermangreeted the guests and sang a Jewish welcome song with Rabbi Marcia Tilchin. Rabbi Peter of ADL Anti-Decamation League that has stood with Muslims and Pakistanis spoke of his commitment to Muslims.
Aisha Bajwa, AMWEC executive, gave a very thorough presentation on Ramadan which the audience loved.
An interfaith music group brought out much joy as they sang songs of unity and harmony. The group led by the musician Jason Feddy of Laguna Beach, includes teens from all faiths. Umar Qudrat, a young Afghan Muslim from San Diego, spoke about his faith and love for the nation as he worked with the Department of Defense.
Anila Ali and Faryal Khan and Team AMWEC welcomed the capacity crowd that included peoples and clergy of all faiths, community leaders, law enforcement partners.
The overwhelming love, support,and welcome given to Pakistani Muslims by the Jewish people was highly appreciated by AMWEC president Anila Ali.
Ali spoke of the Abrahamic faiths and read verses from the Qur’an. “The Prophet of Islam PBUH sent his people who were being persecuted by the pagans in Mecca to seek refuge with a Christian King. That was the beginning of Interfaith in Islam.” Ali talked about the theme of love and compassion and how these universal messages are found in the Qur’an.
Imam Mark Manaley’s beautiful call to prayer and breaking of fast helped share Ramadan and its blessings.
The diversity of Islam was shown at the cultural displays by Indian, Pakistani, Turkish, Bangladeshi, Afghan/Persian communities. The Jewish displays joined the cultural festival and created true diversity.
The Temple revived many calls from clergy lauding them for opening up their house of worship to Muslims.