MPAC’s Best Media Awards Ever!
By Sue Obeidi

A rock star took our Media Awards to a whole new level on Saturday night, both with his exuberant presence and deeply moving words about our shared humanity. Sir Bob Geldof reminded us that we must all speak out on behalf of the poor, the marginalized and oppressed, not because we share a common nationality or religion, but “because, most significantly of all, they're people."
Our tremendously talented Media Award honorees, Joshua Seftel and Lena Khan shared exciting news while accepting their awards. Lena Khan’s The Tiger Hunter is now streaming on Netflix and she is working on a new feature film and has sold a television show to a network. Joshua Seftel’s perspective-changing The Secret Life of Muslims has been renewed for a second season and is reaching deep into the heart of the country with over 37 million views. Ahamed Weinberg, our hilarious comedian, has had his series Ahamed’s Ramadan Diary renewed for a second season by Comedy Central. These huge strides toward inclusion give us so much to celebrate!
We were overwhelmed by the incredible support of the community, and the engagement of the entertainment industry, toward the Hollywood Bureau’s mission of improving the quality of authentic, nuanced, and inclusive presentations of Islam and Muslims in television and film. Grateful we’re in this together.