Young Kim Wins Endorsement of Pakistani Americans, Muslim Community and Asian American Pacific Islanders

The Pakistani American community, Southern California Muslim community and Asian American Pacific Islanders have endorsed Young Kim for Congress California 39th District.
Young Kim understands issues that are faced by our communities and as a United States Congresswoman will work to solve them, says a Council of Pakistan announcement. It adds:
As a small business owner, Young knows what it takes to create an environment where jobs can be created and workers can thrive.
Young believes that the hard working men and women of Southern California are taxed and regulated enough. She will fight to keep taxes low so that individuals and families can keep more of their hard earned dollars because they know how best to spend their money, not Washington politicians.
Young will fight to help create and keep good paying jobs right here in Southern California. She will work to reduce unnecessary regulations, increase trade, and work with state and local leaders to create an environment where business can prosper and create good paying jobs.
Keeping America Safe
Young knows that keeping Americans safe and secure is vital in order to enjoy the freedoms and the prosperity we cherish.
At home, Young knows we must make sure that our first responders have the equipment that they need to deal with new and evolving threats to our security.
Abroad, Young believes that America should be a leader of the world by standing up for the values that have made our country great and given so many hope. We should work to build consensus in the international community to improve our world while showing resolve in the face of rogue nations and terrorism.
Honoring Our Veterans
Young believes that we owe a great debt to those who have served in our nation’s armed services. She will fight to make sure that veterans receive the quality care that they were promised by working to reform the VA and increase accessibility in Southern California.
As a proud immigrant, Young wants people from around the world to be able to legally immigrate to our country, become citizens, and achieve the American dream. However, our immigration system is broken and must be fixed. Young will work with anyone who is willing to reform our immigration system, increase border security, and make sure that those brought to this country as children without legal documentation are treated fairly and with compassion.
Empowering Teachers and Investing in Our Schools
Top-down, one-size-fits-all policies from Washington don’t work in our local schools. Young believes that our parents and teachers know best how local students learn and succeed. She will fight for increased STEM education funding and to make sure education dollars go to teachers and classrooms, not bureaucrats in Sacramento or Washington, DC.