Eid Al-Adha 1440 Will Be Celebrated on Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Shura Council of Southern California wishes all a blessed Eid Al-Adha and spiritual Hajj. We also extend a joyous Eid Al-Adha to everyone with special prayers for God's mercy and peace, says a Shura message. It adds:
The astronomical new moon has been sighted on August 1, 2019, and therefore the first day of DhulHijjah 1440 is Friday, August 2nd. The day of Arafah – the main day of Hajj - is expected to be on Saturday, August 10th. As nearly 3 million Muslims descend upon Makkah in these blessed days, we are reminded of the universal spirit of brotherhood that is embodied by the pilgrimage. We hope that American Muslims will observe this day with full piety and dignity—sharing our festivities with our neighbors, co-workers, and friends as we embrace this joyous season.
During these blessed days, Muslims around the world commemorate the tradition and sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and share God's favors upon them with those in need. While sacrifice often implies the loss or giving up of something, as Muslims we believe that any sacrifice that is done for the sake of God only enriches our lives. It is a means of showing our gratitude to God for what he has given us as He reminds Muslims in the Qur’an: "If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; 14;7.
Let us show our gratitude by sharing some of our Qurbani/Udhiya with people who are most in need. Please contact one of our local community organizations to distribute your Qurbani/Udiyah: Helping Hand, ICNA Relief, Islamic Relief USA, Life USA, or Mercy without Limits.
May God, Most High accept our efforts in His way and allow us to reap the benefits of DhulHijjah. May He accept the Hajj of those sisters and brothers who were fortunate enough to embark on this unforgettable journey and allow us all to visit His beloved house in the years to come. Ameen.
As Eid locations and times are confirmed, Shura Council will compile a list for your convenience and post it on our website.
Please accept our warmest congratulations on this blessed occasion and keep us in your prayers!
Eid Al-Adha Kareem