Shahzad Khan Passes away

The Muslim community of Southern California is mourning the tragic death of a 31-year-old young man, Shahzad Khan who died tragically of drowning.
Inna lillahiwainnailayhiraji'oon
May Allah rest his departed soul in eternal peace in Jannatul Firdaus and give his entire family the fortitude and courage to bear this monumental loss. My heartfelt condolences and sincere prayers are with the entire family during this most difficult time in their life.
Shehzad was the son of Br Rizwan Khan and nephew of Br Jawed Khan. Please make Dua'a for his Maghfirah. May Allah (SWT) place him in Jannah in the companyof our Prophet (SAW). May Allah (SWT) forgive all his shortcomings. May Allah (SWT) give Sabr Jameel (best of patience) to his entire family. Ameen.
Funeral prayers for Shahzad Khan were held at the Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley on Friday, August 23, and he was laid to rest in the Westminster Memorial Park.
May his soul rest in peace. (Ameen)
- Rafique Ahmed