Saba Trust Organizes 130th World Interfaith Peace Conference
By Aroosa Tamar

Following the success of its many interfaith initiatives, the Saba Aslam Education and Welfare Trust organized an impressive concourse of scholars, religious leaders and peace-enthusiasts at its idyllic campus in Rawalpindi on October 30, 2018.
Leading religious scholars representing various faiths, including Muslims, Christians and Hindus, attended the conference. They reaffirmed the common mission of all faiths to enlighten the human soul and bring people together to foster understanding for the betterment of society.
Saba Trust seeks to promote peace, prosperity and opportunity for all citizens of Pakistan. It believes that interfaith harmony and cooperation are essential for the nation’s development as a diverse and pluralistic society. A key aspect of this commitment is the Annual World Interfaith Peace Conference held in Pakistan, which draws participants from all faith communities from many countries, including the United States. The meeting serves as a catalyst for building bridges between our motherland and the adopted country of Pakistanis who have settled down in the United States.
Among its multifarious laudable efforts, Saba Trust is committed to helping orphans, disabled persons, and minorities from all faith communities in Pakistan. After the success of Saba Homes, the Trust is currently establishing a second ‘home’ for orphans in a village 50 miles from the Islamabad International Airport. Construction work has already commenced at an estimated cost of $450,000. Insha Allah, learning from past experience, it will be a better home and is destined to become the talk of the country as well as a shining example for others to emulate. Given the promise, one can sanguinely say that future leaders of the country will come from this institution, Insha Allah. The curriculum will include interfaith studies to foster understanding and conciliation and produce better citizens.
Saba Homes provide a new vision to every person; it is a place where one can enjoy all the luxuries of life. I have recently joined Saba Trust as Media & Fundraising Coordinator, but I find myself helplessly confused: Saba Trust is supposed to be an organization that looks after orphans, yet I have not come across a single orphan in the vast Saba Homes buildings! An orphan has no parents, but Saba Home girls do have a considerate father and a caring mother in the person of Mr and MrsSaghir Aslam. They are overly kind and treat the girls like their own daughters Syma and Aisha. May Allah give us strength, and like the inspirational couple, grant us the drive to heed the advice of our beloved Prophet (PBUH): "The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind."
Thanks to its well-meaning and sustained efforts for more than 54 years, the Saba Aslam Trust has made its mark as an organization that seeks to bring a wholesome change in the country through education, peace, love and understanding. The Trust has succeeded in uplifting the lot of the underprivileged people of Pakistan in more ways than one. Its vision and sincere strivings deserve the support of all and sundry.