Chowchilla Councilmember Waseem Ahmed Sworn-in for Second Term

Councilmember Waseem Ahmed was recently sworn-in for his second term on the Chowchilla City Council after being the top vote-getting in the November election.
During his first term, Waseem served as Chowchilla Mayor and on numerous boards and committees that serve the city, Madera County and the Central Valley. Following the swearing-in ceremony, Councilmember Ahmed stated, “I am honored and gratified by the support of the Chowchilla residents and will continue to work to earn their confidence. While we have made great progress over the past four years in bringing new jobs, hiring more police officers and fixing our streets and roads and infrastructure, I believe being an effective Councilmember involves listening to constituents, translating their concerns into workable solutions and building consensus to implement them. I could not do this job without the involvement and openness of the people I represent. I appreciate people taking the time to share with me their ideas, their concerns, and their aspirations, and I sincerely appreciate their willingness to discuss what really matters to them. I believe that the government was put into place to serve all people, and was established to help them do things for the collective group that everyone otherwise cannot do for themselves. I know that winning is not a one-person effort - it's a TEAM effort. The value of the team is greater than the sum of its individual parts”.
Ahmed currently serves on the Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) and Madera County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) where he previously served as chairman, Executive Director and Director of Madera County Economic Development Commission (MCEDC), San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Citizens Advisory Board (SJVUAPCD) and past member of the Madera County Work Force Investment Board. In Chowchilla, he served as Chamber of Commerce President, board member of the Chowchilla Industrial Development Corporation, Chairman of the Chowchilla Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission.
Ahmed has an established history of service to the community, an appreciation of the plus 100-year heritage that lead to the Chowchilla of today and a vision for its future.
Ahmed was elected to his first term with the Chowchilla City Council in November 2014. He was selected to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem for 2015, as Mayor for 2016, and was recently selected again to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem for 2019. His term of office expires in December 2022.