APPNA Hosts Heroes at 42nd Summer Convention in Orlando
By M. Shahid Yousuf
APPNA annual summer meetings are known to host one or two persons of high importance or high intellectual achievement or service to humanity. The 42nd APPNA summer convention held at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando Florida from July 3rd through 7th, 2019 exceeded all previous summer gatherings in sheer numbers of invited prominent Pakistani and Pakistani Americans who are considered to be heroes on the world scene. Each of the high visibility invitee has demonstrated excellence, integrity and public service. It is unlikely that there will be another occasion where the average APPNA member will witness such a constellation of stars.
Prof. Pervez Hoodbhoy and Mr ZakirThaver
Most of us are aware of this world class scientist, mathematician, nuclear physicist, writer and thinker of Pakistan. This time he was here to speak on Dr Abdus Salam as the Abdus Salam movie was shown in its entirety. Mr ZakirThaver the producer of the movie which took 14 years to finish, introduced the movie. The insights that Dr Hoodbhoy gave regarding the problem of persecution of the minorities in Pakistan and other places in the world were very educational for all of us. The minorities present at the gathering were surprised that enlightenment exists within APPNA to screen the movie about a Pakistani who has been disowned in his own country. The Abdus Salam movie is a must for those who wish to understand present day Pakistan.

Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy’s Address at the Banquet
Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy began his speech by congratulating the assembly on their successes in the USA. “You are the richest Pakistanis in the United States.” He reminded the audience that many advances in medicine such as PET scans, MRI and robotic surgery were made possible by the science of mathematics. He said that the simplest of the equation e=mc2 is what gave the atom bomb. X-rays too are now common knowledge. That equation was given to us by Einstein in 1905. Then came quantum mechanics and the Dirac equation from which came PET scans. The positron was a theoretical prediction. It came out of the Dirac equation. At this point he switched over to Urdu stating that he wanted to talk from his heart.
He said that in the world of knowledge (ilmidunya), Pakistan has no standing. There is no (theoretical) mathematician in Pakistan. This was indicative of a very sad state of affairs. He claimed that in the whole world there are just 40 individuals who are considered theoretical mathematicians and it is possible that he would be included in this field. He said in our country there are many children who have a remarkable capability (“balakesalaheyat”). If these students had an opportunity they would be shining like stars in the sky today. He gave the example of a 12-year-old (Pakistani) boy who on his own had learnt calculus and also multivariable calculus, a subject that he (Dr Hoodbhoy ) had studied at MIT at the age of 19 years. He gave another example of a conjoint brother sister who at 14 years taught themselves quantum mechanics through distance learning. He asked if such diamonds and jewels are strewn all over (Pakistan) is it not possible to collect these budding students who will go on to become stars whose light will not only shine in Pakistan but will illuminate the whole world? He felt there is a need to think about the coming generations of Pakistan. These are the generations which will populate Pakistan in the coming 20, 50 and 100 years. What is it that we can do for these generations? We cannot change the entire educational system (of Pakistan) although there is a pressing need to do so. The resources that you have are limited. But, if we could just recognize these 20 to 40 diamonds and jewels, identify them, give them education and place them in institutions which will enhance their minds, there could not be any greater service than this. He asked the assembly to think of what they could do. It is only then that you should think of what is the next thing that you should do.
• FaizShakir
Bernie Sanders campaign manager FaizShakir gave important pointers about voting in the primaries to have our voices heard, voter registration and other good advices. Harvard-educated Mr Shakir said his parents wanted him to become a doctor but he chose other fields and here he is at the APPNA function. His career is full of high achievements including being the political director at ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), director of new media at Nancy Pelosi’s office 2012, etc.
Syed Amir Raza Hussain who fought Nestle
The 2014 film "Tigers" was shown at the APPNA arts festival. Mr Raza Hussain, a former drug salesman in Pakistan, was played by Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi. The film by Oscar award winner Bosnian film director DanisTanovic exposes the power of multinational corporations such as Nestle which promoted a baby milk formula in Pakistan. It was followed by devastating results and increased infant mortality because the mothers were using polluted water available to them. In contrast, the breast-milk-fed babies of the same mothers were doing well since the mother's milk does not contain impurities found in water available to most people in Pakistan. Mr Raza fought well but ultimately he had to leave Pakistan and currently resides with his wife and three children in Canada. Mr Raza Hussain was present at the screening as was his wife and one daughter. APPNA’s pediatricians have been engaged in efforts to encourage breast feeding of infants in Pakistan.
Laal Band (Pakistan)
Dr Taimur Rahman, a political science teacher at LUMS in Lahore and MahvashWaqar, members of "Laal" Band of Pakistan highlighted their political activism and efforts for progressive policies in Pakistan. They recalled the role played by poets such as Habib Jalib and others. Their presentation was rich in English and Urdu expression, revolutionary poetry. They also sang popular songs of “Laal” Band.
Arts Festival
Several paintings from Pakistan were on display at APPNA’s Arts Festival. Some of the paintings had been recognized and received Pakistani President’s award. General Secretary of Pakistani Artists Association Mr Ghulam Mustafa and Director of Alhamra Arts Council Mr Zulfiqar Zulfi were present at the festival. Visitors bought several paintings.
RahatFeteh Ali
The musical show after the banquet by Rahat was a grand performance with active audience participation. The numbers “MerayRashq e Qamar” and “TumhayDillagiBhoolJaneyPareyGi” were some of the numbers besides popular bhangra numbers. Rahat is well on his way to becoming a world class performer whose influence extends well beyond the boundaries of Pakistan. His performance brought a thrilling end to four days of high caliber presentations in the world of arts and sciences.
There were three days of continuing medical educational courses, the traditional bazaar of clothes, jewelry, carpets and charity booths. A big screen was also set up to see the final moments of the Pakistan vs Bangladesh cricket match. The movie “Laal Kabootar” was also shown. OPEN (Overseas Pakistani Entrepreneurs Network) also presented their organization. There was so much more going on that to attend one event you had to miss out two others but that is the reality of APPNA meetings.