Renters Now Have More Options to Go Solar
By Julia Roether

Renters often don’t have the chance to benefit from rooftop solar. This is especially true of renters who live in areas suffering from the worst air pollution. There’s good news, though. Several state programs now let renters benefit from clean, solar energy.
Qualified customers can receive solar energy through the state’s new Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing program. Southern California Edison apartment owners in environmentally impacted neighborhoods can receive incentives to help install new solar systems. In turn, tenants living in those buildings reap the rewards of clean, affordable solar energy. Tenants and building owners receive credits on their utility bills from the electricity generated by the solar panels.
“Southern California residents who live in areas with the worst air quality, and would benefit the most from clean energy, often don’t have the chance to benefit from clean energy programs and technology,” said Jessica Lim, SCE’s principal manager of Product Management. “SOMAH will give more of our customers access to clean solar energy.”
The properties must meet certain criteria to qualify. For instance, the buildings must be existing construction and have at least five units. Additionally, the building must be in an environmentally impacted area or 80% of the residents’ incomes must be 60% below the area’s medium income. Interested apartment owners can apply online.
SCE customers, including renters, who can’t install solar panels also have two other options that let them use solar energy to power their homes.
Through SCE’s Green Rate, customers can opt to use more renewable energy to power their homes and businesses. When customers choose a Green Rate, they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions because they are using carbon-free energy sources. While California’s electricity has become increasingly green, it still accounts for about 19% of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential and business customers have two Green Rate options to choose from: a 100% renewable energy option and a 50% renewable energy option. With both options, SCE purchases additional clean solar energy on behalf of Green Rate customers. The solar energy comes from California solar providers located in SCE’s service area.
Customers can sign up for a Green Rate online or by calling 1-866-701-7867. They can de-enroll from the program at any time without penalty.
Finally, customers have the option to take part in renewable energy projects in their community through SCE’s Community Renewables Program. Earlier this year, SCE signed the first solar developer, SharedSolarCA, to this program.
The SharedSolarCA community solar project will be in Lancaster. It will provide 3 megawatts of solar energy, enough to power more than 1,000 homes. The project is expected to be fully operational in December.
Interested customers may sign up to receive solar energy from SharedSolarCA’s Lancaster community solar project through its website.