People of Indian & Pakistani Origin Express Concern at Tensions in Subcontinent

Chicago, IL: A group of people of Indian and Pakistani origin living in the Chicago land met with the Consul Generals of India and Pakistan in Chicago on March 5, 2019 to express their deep concern at the worrisome tensions and military escalation between the two countries. The United for Peace delegation of around 20 community leaders and concerned citizens of both Indian and Pakistani origin presented the following joint resolution for peace that has been signed by hundreds of members from both communities. They requested that their message for peaceful resolution of the conflict be conveyed to the leaders and administration of both countries.
The United for Peace Resolution:
"We the people of Indian and Pakistani origin living in the United States of America are seriously concerned about the rapidly escalating tensions between India and Pakistan and the specter of a devastating war between the two nuclear armed countries.
We strongly believe that wars cause enormous destruction and suffering on both sides and set back economic and social development for a long time. We have seen countless examples of this in many parts of the world. After centuries of wars including the two world wars; Europe learnt the futility of war, resolved to live in peace, decided to form European Union - long term foes, Germany and France are now strong allies. India and Pakistan both need a lot of human development, must learn from the experience of Europe. We strongly believe conflicts should be resolved through dialogue and negotiation.
We want to send a strong message to the governments and leaders of both countries to act wisely with restraint and not to let matters spiral out of control; we also urge the public and media in both countries to act responsibly to calm supercharged emotions and let sanity prevail."
Delegates also expressed their resolve to stay united and work together to promote peace, mutual respect, solidarity and fellowship.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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