Council of Pakistan Hosts Pakistani American Leadership Dinner

The Council of Pakistan hosted a well-attended Pakistani American Leadership and Community Dinner with the Ambassador of Pakistan,DrAsadMajeed Khan. Besides the movers and shakers of the community, the dinner was attended by Consul Generals of Azerbijian, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Senegal, Malaysia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Kuwait and Pakistan. Los Angeles Accessor Jeffery Prang along with LAPD and DHS were also present. Commissioner of Los Angeles HRC DrAmnaQazi, Consul member City of Irvine Farrah Khan, Consul member City of Walnut Andrew Rodriguez, Consul member of Yorba Linda Peggy Haung, Mayor/Consul member Artesia Ali Sajjad Taj, LAPD Deputy Chief Arcos and members of Los Angeles Mayors Office were also among the distinguished guests.
Media partners for the Ambassador’s dinner - OPTV Waqarand Fatima Khan and Pakistan Link’sArifMansuri- covered the event. Ambassador DrAsadMajeed Khan presented awards toDrSohail Masood, Jamal Khawaja, LAPD, Consul General of Pakistan and Consul General of Azerbaijan for their achievements and leadership role in community building.