Santa Clarita Muslims Offer Support to Saugus High School

Al-Umma Center of Santa Clarita, a member of the Shura Council, and one of several Islamic organizations in Santa Clarita shared their statement with us, says a Shura Council message. It adds:
"Our deepest condolences go out to the families of the deceased and wish a speedy recovery to all the victims of the Saugus High School Shooting. We woke up this morning to the horror of yet another school shooting, when a Saugus High School student opened fire on his fellow students who were congregating in the school quad, waiting to go to their classes. The latest update indicates that at least two students have lost their lives, and three others sustained serious injuries. Our hearts go to the families of the victims and to the entire Santa Clarita community. We pray to God, the most merciful, to bless the deceased and the injured and give patience and solace to the families. It is a tragedy that our beautiful community has fallen victim to the senseless gun violence that has fallen upon so many other cities across our country."
Additionally, the superintendent of the William S. Hart Unified High School District, the district that Saugus High School is part of, released this message to the community following the tragedy.
A vigil is planned for Sunday, November 17th at Central Park in Santa Clarita. Shura encourages the Muslim community to attend and show their support.