“Kashmir Human Rights Foundation Hosts Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill”

On October 8, 2019, the Kashmiri diaspora hosted a congressional briefing on Kashmir at Capitol Hill. The event was hosted by Kashmir Human Rights Foundation, a California based non-profit organization that was started about 30 years ago.
Majid Butt, a Kashmiri American opened the session and welcomed those in attendance. His welcome address was followed by a speech delivered by Dr. Asif Mahmood, a popular democratic leader who gave his unique perspective about the unprecedented crisis in Indian occupied Kashmir. Dr Mahmood furnished detailed information about the ongoing human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir.
KHRF member Ehtisham Ashai introduced the panelists. He talked about Senator Chris Van Hollen who was recently denied entry into Occupied Kashmir during his visit to India.
The purpose of the event was to brief the US Congressional staff about the ongoing Kashmir lockdown and to raise awareness about India’s crimes and atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir. This was a historical event and was attended by more than 140 US Congressional Staff members.
The panelists represented different industries and fields including journalism, academia and others. Ms Victoria Schofield - a World-renowned author and journalist who has written several books and articles on Kashmir was one of the panelists. Ms Huma Dar, a professor at Berkeley University who has done extensive research on Kashmir, joined her. In addition, two Kashmiri American lawyers – Ms SehlaAshai and MrSareerFazili- were part of the panel.
This was an important briefing because a US Congressional sub-committee is holding a hearing on the human rights situation in South Asia. The hearing will focus on Indian occupied Kashmir, where many political activists have been arrested and daily life and all means of communication have been interrupted. The hearing will also review the humanitarian situation in Kashmir, including access to food, medicines and other essentials.
Assistant Secretary Alice Wells, who oversees all State Department policy towards South Asia will testify at the hearing. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Scott Busby, who oversees human rights efforts in South Asia will also testify. In addition, several State Department officials and other private human rights activists are expected to testify at the hearing.
The panelists briefed the Congressional staff about the Kashmir conflict, people’s demand of exercising the right of self-determination and the Human Rights abuses in Kashmir. In addition, the staff was also briefed about the unprecedented siege that millions of Kashmiris are undergoing for more than two months now.
During the Q & A session, members of US Congressional staff asked several questions including the role of the United States in resolving the Kashmir conflict and also about the UN Resolutions that haven’t been honored for more than seven decades now.
Wajahat Dedmari, a Kashmiri American, made the closing remarks and requested the Congressional staff to stand up for truth and righteousness. Several other members of the Kashmiri diaspora also attended the briefing.