Interfaith Group Join Hands in Unmasking the Unseen Enemy: Covid-19
By Tahir Ali

Worcester: In the old West where ever there was injustice and calamities there was a Lone Ranger who wore a mask accompanied with his Native American friend Tonto. Both fought and confronted the lawless and cleaned the city. Many members of various Islamic Centers in the New England area accompanied by some of their interfaith groups are just doing that. They are getting together and making masks to help fight the Corona virus.
The virus has wrestled the nation and the world in a gripped-lock state. The Medics are facing a huge shortage of the clinical mask that is a critical requirement in treating patients and preventing a wide spread of the virus.
So the sewing machines are out along with the instructions of how to make the mask at home. In this project many are joining hands.
One of the coordinators, Melissa Marrama reminisces: "I was able to witness and be part of humanity in action." Melissa categorically acknowledges the role of Renee Schloss Metsch of 'OH SEW Kids' of (Temple Emanuel), Jamila Mukhtar of Andover Islamic Center and many others in this undertaking. "They were so kind to give what they had to the workers on the front line. This is what you call a community coming together."
Similar stories are coming out from each community including the members of the Worcester Islamic Centers. Labiba, Uzma and Shazia households are busy sewing away, as Wasilat Javed and many others have already provided the much needed masks to UMASS medical Hospital.
You may also ask, "Who was that masked man?" and get the appropriate response, "Friend who fight for all", and perhaps if you listen carefully you may even hear the unforgettable words, "Hi Ho Silver away."