MPAC’s Fifth Sundance Film Festival!
By Sue Obeidi

The MPAC Hollywood Bureau just wrapped up our Social Impact Entertainment panel with Abigail Disney’s organization, Peace is Loud, at the Sundance Film Festival! At the event, we built a mock impact marketing campaign around the documentary American Muslim, which follows the effects of the Muslim Ban on five American families. Held on the third anniversary of the first Muslim Ban, the panel was a powerful exercise demonstrating how film impact campaigns can change not only narratives, but social awareness, behaviors, and policies.
This is the fifth time we’ve been at Sundance and I really felt the difference in the inclusion of diverse communities. The MPAC Hollywood Bureau was one of the first entities to hold a conversation about diversity and inclusion at Sundance - and the first Muslim organization to host a panel at the festival. This year, I was thrilled to see that over 27 festival panels centered around ensuring that often marginalized voices are in front of and behind the camera.
The conversation about inclusion is alive, healthy, and on full throttle in the entertainment industry. Through the work of MPAC’s Hollywood Bureau, we have seen progressive changes that are needed to improve the narrative around Muslims and Islam. But that isn't enough. The reality is, there are challenges we have to overcome to be included in a meaningful way. We need to both create our own narratives and collaborate with allies in the industry to get our stories on screen.
At MPAC, we will continue to push for inclusion and representation. We will continue to make the connections to ensure that the industry has a solid pipeline to Muslim talent and we will continue to be a resource and conduit between the industry and our communities. With your support of our work, we know it can, and will, happen.
Thank you for being part of the change for good!