MPAC Stands with the AAPI Community

The Muslim Public Affairs Council demands that the hurdles on hate crimes investigations and reporting are removed, and that crimes against our Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community are called what they are: hate crimes.
In light of increased violence against Asian Americans during the COVID pandemic and the senseless slaying of 8 people, 6 of whom are women of Asian origin, in Atlanta, we extend our hearts, condolences, and solidarity to the families of those lost and the entire #AAPI community. Hate violence of any kind is a stain on our humanity. These incidents are a painful reminder of the divisions in our country and the urgency with which they need to be addressed.
The AAPI community is a vibrant and essential part of the American fabric. The alarming rise of anti-Asian violence is a clear and present threat to the core values of our pluralism. From racial segregation to immigration restrictions to forced Japanese internment, American history has been plagued by hate and discrimination. We must condemn not only recent acts of violence against Asian-Americans, but also the much more pervasive discrimination and stereotyping that has for too long and too often harmed Asian American lives and impoverished our society. Twenty years ago, Stewart Kwoh, among so many others in the Asian American community, spoke out against “another nightmare” in the form of internment camps against Muslims. It is incumbent upon us to stand together against abuse and violence toward any community.
We call on our government to hold those committing acts of hate accountable, and to work in concert with minority and civic communities to address the xenophobia, hatred, and division. Those who do not amplify this concern, whether members of government or civil society, are involved in a deadly silence. We demand that the hurdles on investigations be removed, and these attacks be called what they are. We must all pledge our solemn oath to the Declaration of Independence, our sacred honor, to stand up, to speak out, and work against hate to strengthen our pluralism.
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