Well-known Entrepreneurand Philanthropist Usman U. Vakil Passes away
By Rafique Ahmed
The Muslim community of San Gabriel Valley in Southern California is mourning the sad demise of an active and highly respected community member, entrepreneur and philanthropist Br. Usman U. Vakil who passed away on Saturday, December 26, 2020 after a massive heart attack.Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon
May Allah rest his departed soul in eternal peace in Jannat-al-Firdaus and give his family fortitude and courage to bear this monumental loss. My heartfelt condolences and sincere prayers are with his entire family during this most difficult time in their life.

Br. Usman Vakil is survived by his loving wife, Maimoona Vakil. He was a very kind and loving father of their daughter, Hina Khan, and son, Adil Vakil. He was also an extremely caring brother of Abubakar Vakil, Farooq Vakil, Ishaq Vakil, Iqbal Vakil and Akhtar Vakil. In fact, Br. Usman Vakil was instrumental in bringing all his brothers and their families to America from Pakistan.
Br. Usman Vakil was a brilliant student and included in the top three students of Karachi graduating from the NED Engineering University. He also served as the Editor of the NED Annual magazine during his student days.
Br. Usman Vakil was a respectable name in business circles in North America. He was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Lights of America providing residential lighting to homes, buildings and construction companies for the last forty-three years with hundreds of employees on the payroll. He was also a very kind and generous person involved in a lot of humanitarian, social and religious causes.
I knew Br. Usman very well. We both came to America around the same time fifty years ago. We had great family terms together. He used to love eating Hyderabadi Biryani cooked by my deceased wife, Shahana (popularly known as Shunno) who had a great sense of humor without hurting anyone's feelings. She once told Br. Usman,"You have been married to Mona Bhabhi for so many years, but have not given her any baby yet. Please give her a beautiful baby and I promise I will throw a big party at the White House." One of the largest banks in Canada had offered me a great opportunity which I could not refuse and moved to Canada for few years. On one of the weekends I got a call from Br. Usman asking,"Where is Shunno? Where is Shunno? I need to talk to her right now." I gave the phone to Shahana. Br. Usman told her, "Mona has become pregnant. You better get ready for the White House Party." We were all delighted to hear the good news and extended our heartfelt congratulations to both. Br. Usman was extremely happy when we came from Canada to attend the first birthday of their beautiful daughter, Hina.
There was a big surge in the Muslim population of Southern California starting in the 70's. The growing Muslim community in Southern California realized that there were only two Islamic centers, one in Los Angeles and the other in Orange County and there was none in between to cater to the religious needs of the growing Muslim community. A great number of Muslims were offering Friday prayers in their garages.
The Muslim community of San Gabriel Valley decided to establish an Islamic Center and formed 'The Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley' in 1982 and rented a big suitable place in a shopping center to offer five daily prayers. Br. Usman Vakil, without being asked, committed and paid the monthly rent of the Islamic Center for years. The community kept on growing at a brisk pace and there was an urgent need to have a bigger facility to accommodate every one. Luckily, a church was up for sale in the neighborhood. The Islamic Center bought it and also converted it into a mosque. Br. Usman donated a huge amount to buy the church while keeping a very low profile. The Islamic Center was expanded and modified a few years later, becoming the third largest Islamic Center in Southern California. Again, Br. Usman and Mona Bhabhi both made huge donations for the pleasure of Allah and without letting the community know. May Allah bless both of them. Ameen! Please look at the following picture of ICSGV and pray for all kind-hearted brothers and sisters for their generosity to build the beautiful 'House of Allah' serving the cause of Allah for years to come Insha'Allah:
Funeral prayer and burial service of Br. Usman Vakil were held on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, at the Corona Sunnyslope Cemetery in Corona CA 92879.
May his soul rest in peace. (Ameen)
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