APPNA Deeply Concerned at the Pandemic Situation in India

APPNA is deeply concerned at the COVID1 pandemic situation in India. More than three hundred thousand new cases are being diagnosed every day with the total number of confirmed cases exceeding seventeen million. More than two hundred thousand lives have been lost so far.
It is feared that the actual number of cases and deaths is many folds higher than what is being officially reported. According to the BBC, funeral pyres have been built in parks and other empty spaces after Delhi’s crematoriums reached capacity. The situation is no better in many other parts of the country.
The health system of the country has buckled under the strain of the situation. There are no beds in the hospitals to cope with the huge number of sick needing medical attention. Medical supplies are running short. Most distressing is the acute shortage of supply of medical oxygen to the hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
Videos and pictures of people unable to find medical help for their loved ones are most heartrending.
It is a human catastrophe, unfolding before our eyes in India. Humanity transcends geography and politics. APPNA wishes to affirm its support to the people of India during this time of anguish and pain.
APPNA grieves together with the people of India over the lives lost during this human crisis and prays for the recovery of all those who have been afflicted by the disease. Our president, Rizwan Khalid, has written to his counterpart in the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), affirming APPNA’s support to AAPI and the people of India during these tough times.
APPNA Letter to AAPI President
We are most worried about the people of Kashmir. The Indian government’s censorship and blockade of the valley means that no true picture of the situation can emerge from there. We ask the Indian government to immediately lift information blockade of the valley so that the pandemic situation there can be ascertained. We also ask it to let international humanitarian and relief organizations including APPNA go to the valley to provide much needed medical relief to the Kashmiris.
We welcome the announcement of the USA government of sending medical supplies to India. Help should be dispatched immediately; India should get all the help it needs right now. APPNA also welcomes Pakistan’s offer of help to India.
Once again, APPNA prays that the COVID19 situation in India is controlled sooner rather than later. Our best thoughts and wishes are with the people of India.
Arshad Rehan
Secretary 2021
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