SCE Customers Who Rely on Power for Medical Needs Will Get More Electricity at the Lowest Price

Rosemead, CA: Southern California Edison is encouraging more eligible customers to take part in the utility’s Medical Baseline program, which can provide more resiliency and support, especially during critical times.
The program supports customers who rely on power for medical needs by delivering additional electricity at the lowest price per day, which can help them save on their overall energy bill. It covers a variety of devices and equipment requiring power that help customers thrive, including but not limited to, power wheelchairs and scooters, respirators, breathing machines and dialysis machines.
“SCE understands that these are difficult times and wants to continue to support our customers in whatever way we can,” said Nicole Howard, SCE’s vice president of Customer Programs and Services. “We are doing more outreach to our customers, so they have the resources they need to stay resilient, including information on how those who are eligible can sign up for the Medical Baseline program.”
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SCE has made it simpler for customers to qualify for the program online until June 30. Additionally, those who are currently enrolled do not need to recertify with their medical professional's signature for another year from their original 2020 due date. This program does not have an income qualification.
Customers who may be eligible for the Medical Baseline program:
• Rely on medical devices and equipment vital for life or to restore crucial physical function, including mobility
• Are temperature sensitive and require air conditioning
• Have a life-threatening illness, compromised immune system or other conditions requiring heat and/or cooling
Medical Baseline program customers who are enrolled in an income-qualified program, such as the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs, and live in a high fire risk area are also now eligible for the Critical Care Backup Battery Program, which provides a free, portable backup battery along with accompanying solar panel for additional charging, delivered and assembled for them at no cost.
"All Californians need to be prepared for potential outages, whether due to an earthquake, windstorm or a Public Safety Power Shutoff event,” Howard said. “Enrolling in our programs and services, such as Medical Baseline and Critical Care Backup Battery, is one of the first steps customers can take to get prepared.”
For more information on how to apply for the Medical Baseline program, visit, which is available in 19 languages, including Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Tagalog. Customers can also call SCE at 1-800-655-4555 to find out if they are eligible and during the application process for assistance.
For customers who do not qualify for these programs, SCE offers rebates and incentives for portable power solutions, generators for those living in high fire risk areas who rely on an electric well water pump and whole house battery storage systems. For more information, visit
For more information, visit or or connect with SCE on Twitter (@SCE), Instagram (@SCE) and Facebook.
About Southern California Edison
An Edison International (NYSE: EIX) company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of approximately 15 million via 5 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California.
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