Shura Council and Shia Muslim Council Issue Joint Ramadan 2022 Statement

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful
"The month of Ramadan is that in which the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for the people; as clear proofs of guidance and as the criterion.” (Holy Qur'an 2:185)
As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. To the entire Muslim world: Ramadan Mubarak!
In this statement of unity, the Shura Council of Southern California and the Shia Muslim Council of Southern California welcome the most holy of months, the beautiful and blessed month of Ramadan. We pray, together, for the success and blessings of our entire community during these days.
As we know, Ramadan is not just a month of fasting and strengthening our relationship with Allah (God) and His Holy Qur'an, but additionally one of self-reflection, charity and community building. May we soften our hearts by meeting and befriending one another and building relationships that will blossom into beautiful expressions of unity and power. When this holy month leaves us and we are blessed to celebrate 'Eid al-Fitr, let us reflect on our growth not just as individuals, but as a community. In that, may Allah, subhanahu wa t'aala, count us among the victorious.
As Muslims living in the West, we are afforded the blessing of a more peaceful reality, but let that not numb our minds or hearts to the realities of Muslims around the world who live in war-torn, impoverished nations who lack any sense of security or peace. Remember the entire Muslim Ummah throughout these holiest of days; pray for them, send your zakat and donations to aid them, and do not forget the power we have to urge our legislators to send aid to those who suffer and withhold aid and support for those committing the atrocities of violence, economic exploitation and occupation.
Lastly, the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a struggle for all of us, including our masajid (Mosques) and charitable organizations. Remember your masjid or community center when you budget your spending. They have been at the front lines supporting our community and ensuring that our voices are heard and valued in this society. They cannot operate without your support, both in attendance and in your donations.

Brothers and sisters, our Lord, the Most High, does not want us to spend the days hungry only to rush and fill our stomachs in the evening. He wants to challenge us, to test us. Will we celebrate 'Eid as victors who strengthened our relationship with Allah, increased our practice of charity and heightened our sense of community? If we work to alleviate the suffering of others while we fast, inshallah the answer is a resounding affirmative.
May Allah accept all of our deeds and prayers during this month of Ramadan and count us all among the ranks of the righteous.