ISF's Congressional Interns Are on the Hill
By Omar Elsayed
We are already halfway through ISF's two month Congressional Policy Summer Internship, a program which fast tracks future American Muslim policymakers to influential positions in government. This summer, ISF interns have had the opportunity to interview for full-time staff positions, attend briefings, draft memos, research policy, organize press conferences, and resolve constituent grievances. Due to the pandemic, this is the first time in years that ISF Congressional Policy Summer interns have had the opportunity to physically live and work in DC.
In addition to ISF's prestigious Congressional Policy Internship, professional development, and networking opportunities, this year's summer interns are benefiting from our partnership with the Muslim Public Service Network (MPSN). MPSN provides group housing and a rigorous program schedule where interns learn from and network with influential policymakers, scholars, and thought leaders in DC.

Sinthia Shabnam is thrilled to be interning in the office of Representative Ilhan Omar.
Yasmine Elkharssa called interning in the office of Rep. Rashida Tlaib a dream come true, especially since she lives in her district.
It's not too late to submit your application for ISF's 2022 Congressional Fall Policy Internship. Applications are due July 18th at 11:59 PM PT.