APPNA Condemns Attack on Peshawar Mosque
“The Association of Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA) strongly condemns today’s barbaric terrorist attack on the Police Lines Mosque in Peshawar,” says an APPNA message. It adds: “We grieve together with the families of those martyred and deeply mourn the loss of lives of the officers and men, and the civilians. May their souls Rest in Peace.
“The APPNA family also prays for the speedy recovery of the injured. We are trying to get in contact with the administration of the Peshawar hospitals to see if any support is needed either in the form of trauma critical care expertise or in any other manner. Our membership remains committed to helping Pakistan and its people in whatever capacity we can, whenever needed.
“We at APPNA recognize the immense sacrifices rendered by the general public, the police and the armed forces of Pakistan in the war against terror. We commend them for their steadfastness and exemplary bravery.
“APPNA squarely denounces the terrorist outfit which has claimed the responsibility for this heinous act, and its ideology. Attacks on temples, churches and mosques have proven that terrorism has no religion but only an ideology of hate and bigotry.
“APPNA observes with deep concern the gradual rise in the terrorist violence in Pakistan, especially in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, in recent months. After rendering immense sacrifices, the short sightedness of some policymakers has, unfortunately, given another opportunity to the terrorists to regroup and resume their dastardly acts. We are of the view that the people of Pakistan cannot afford to be put through another cycle of terrorist violence.
“Talks and appeasement of the terrorists are an untenable policy. The menace must be dealt with in a decisive and forceful manner by the state. The experience of Pakistan over the last two decades only reinforces the fact that any notion of a peaceful settlement with the terrorists is nothing but a fallacy.
“We have no doubts that it is a war for Pakistan; a war for a moderate, tolerant and safe Pakistan with ethos of religious harmony, social justice and non-discrimination.
“While the police and the armed forces confront the terrorists bravely, a national dialogue must ensue immediately, and questions asked of those whose shortsighted wrong decisions have brought Pakistan to this stage once again.
“APPNA urges the Government of Pakistan to bring the perpetrators and conspirators of this inhuman act of bombing of the Police Lines Mosque and other terror attacks to justice.
“May Allah protect Pakistan and the people of Pakistan.
Pakistan Zindabad!”