From left: Charlie Rose, Queen Noor of Jordan, Dr Akbar Ahmed, Dr Ghassan Salame, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and President Bill Clinton
Dr Akbar S. Ahmed, Pride of Pakistan
By Ayaz Morris
Karachi, Pakistan
Pakistan is a precious gift of nature. The value of Pakistan has probably not been realized by us Pakistanis, nor has the world realized its true worth. The people who play a role in the development of the nation are its real asset. In civilized and developed nations, such people are their true assets, whose thinking, action and character complete the work of nation building.
Today I will share a story of such a Pakistani, who has made a unique name and position at the global level through his creative and academic services.
In the history of Pakistan, many eminent personalities have performed many remarkable deeds for the love of the country, in its development and survival, which must be mentioned to the new generation. Keeping the idea in mind, I will introduce to you people, who have made a unique name and position at the global level thanks to their creative, diplomatic and academic services.

Princess Diana hears Dr Akbar Ahmed deliver an illuminating lecture on Islam
Dr Akbar S. Ahmed is a respected name of Pakistan, and it is no less than an honor to write about him and to interview him; the sincerity and compassion with which he treated me was very encouraging for me. I interviewed him online for this article; he answered my questions with great interest and politeness, and praised me for my literary work.
In this regard, I am very grateful to Dr James Shera, a close friend of Dr Akbar S. Ahmed, who introduced me to Dr Akbar S. Ahmed and encouraged me to do his interview.
Ambassador Dr Akbar S. Ahmad is the Ibn Khaldoun Chair of Islamic Studies at the American University and a Fellow at the Wilson Center Global in Washington. Dr Akbar Ahmed has served in many important academic and public service positions in his career. He received many important honors, among which the Star of Pakistan award is prominent. Dr Akbar Ahmed has held many important positions in his academic career during the last four decades. He is a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. In addition to the first Distinguished Chair in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, he has been an Iqbal Fellow and Fellow of Selwyn College at the University of Cambridge, and has held teaching positions at Harvard and Princeton Universities.

The BBC described Dr Akbar Ahmed as "the world's leading authority on contemporary Islam"
Dr Akbar Ahmed has also dedicated his services to the Civil Service of Pakistan for more than three decades, where he served as Commissioner in Balochistan, Political Agent in Tribal Areas and Pakistan's High Commissioner to the UK and Ireland. Dr Akbar Ahmed's distinguished services, scientific and intellectual knowledge and wisdom are appreciated by renowned institutions all over the world.
The BBC named him "the world's leading authority on contemporary Islam", while the Saudi Gazette praised him as "the most influential living authority on contemporary Muslim societies". Sheikh Hamza Yusuf felt "Akbar Ahmed is a Muslim treasure himself".
Dr Lord Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, described him as "the most distinguished and versatile Muslim scholar in the English-speaking world today". Professor Stanley Wolpert, the renowned American historian and author of Jinnah of Pakistan, introduced Ahmed thus: “Akbar Ahmed is the greatest scholar of Islam in America and the world…nobody else stands so high…he is the Dara Shikoh of modern Islamic leaders.”

Lord Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, described Dr Akbar Ahmed as "the most distinguished and versatile Muslim scholar in the English-speaking world today"
Dr Akbar Ahmad was born in Allahabad, India in 1943. His father was the first Pakistani DS in charge of railways in Karachi. He used to recount his meetings with Quaid-i-Azam. Dr Akbar Ahmad's family migrated to Karachi at the time of the establishment of Pakistan. He received his early education from 1954 to 1959 at Burn Hall School (now Army Burn Hall College) in Abbottabad.
The missionary teachers from the hostel, especially the priest, influenced him a lot. Here he started to develop discipline, conceptual study and the ability to see things from a different perspective. He says that the missionary teachers were our real role models who taught us with great zeal and dedication. After he graduated from FC College Lahore and Punjab University, he went to University of Birmingham and later did his MA from Cambridge University. In 1978, Dr Akbar Ahmed received his PhD in Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
There are many and various aspects of the life of Dr Akbar S. Ahmed, which are impossible to describe in this one article. But some are very important because of his creative, educational, diplomatic, interfaith harmony, dialogue services and command on global issues.
After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, Dr Akbar Ahmed began a series of artices published by the Brookings Institution Press covering issues related to the relationship between Islam and the West. Dr Akbar Ahmed has also engaged in a series of public interfaith dialogues in the United States and other countries along with Professor Judea Pearl, father of journalist Daniel Pearl. For these efforts, he and Professor Judea Pearl were awarded the "First Purpose Prize" by the Metropolitan Washington Interfaith Conference at the National Cathedral. He also got other prizes like Metropolitan and the National Cathedral had a special Evensong in his honor.
Apart from this, Dr Akbar Ahmed also received the Herschel King Award for Interfaith Activities. He has also been appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as a trustee of the World Faiths Development Dialogue. He received the 2002 Free Speech Award from the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Washington, DC. Dr Akbar Ahmad says that "Dialogue, interfaith harmony and communication” are important for Islam and the West.
His long-time friend and key partner in several important projects, former Rugby Mayor Dr James Shera says, "The only and primary reason for his friendship with Akbar S. Ahmed is his love for Pakistan. We both have a heart for Pakistan. Therefore, we have always worked to raise the flag of Pakistan and improve the soft image of Pakistan abroad.
Dr James Shera further said that he is also proud that we both have different religions and we both have always been promoting humanity in the world outside Pakistan.
We have never let each other feel that our religion is different; the world considers us as two brothers. This is the reason that we both have always kept the flag of Pakistan high on the international level.
He has truly represented Pakistan with his character and integrity. My heart and Akbar's heart have always been, and will always be, for Pakistan, which we will always be proud of.”
Dr Akbar S. Ahmed is the author of many books. He has worked on many important and unique documentary films and projects. He was also co-writer and Executive Producer of the film "Jinnah" based on the life of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Making this film was also an interesting and unique work. Thanks to his high services, on September 30, 2022, Pakistani Ambassador to the United States and Director of the State Department gave him “Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr Akbar S. Ahmed is one of the bright stars of Pakistan whose services are unforgettable. His academic, intellectual, literary and creative work is a priceless treasure. People like Dr Akbar S. Ahmed are our real assets, of whom not only we but the world is proud. Dr Akbar S. Ahmed says that if we want Pakistan to develop, we have to give rights to the common people. We must establish justice in the society, knowledge and education must be provided to people, and must be treated with kindness and love.
In response to my question, he said that the problems Pakistan is facing at the moment are sad because of how much hard work and sacrifices our forefathers had given for this country and because of our arrogance, incompetence and selfishness we have brought the country to this point. Even today, if we do not give respect to the people in our society, according to the dream of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam, then we will never be able to move on the path of development. We need to protect the rights of religious minorities. In this regard practical and concrete measures have to be taken for protection and dignity of religious minorities, especially the Christian community, that has served Pakistan a lot in the field of education, for which the entire nation is grateful.
I asked Dr Akbar how you see the future of Pakistan. He replied, Mr Ayaz, when I see the state of affairs in the country, I am certainly disappointed and sad, but when I see young people like you who are working for the betterment of the society despite adverse conditions, I feel happy and confident. It happens that the youth are the real face and future of this country, they need trust and guidance. They have the ability to take Pakistan to the heights that Pakistan deserves. We just have to work together for Pakistan for mutual growth.
(The writer is Freelancer Digital Content Creator; he writes on Soft Skills, People’s Profile and Social Issues. He is based in Karachi and can be reached at ayazmorris@gmail.com .)