Imran Khan Supporters Rally in San Francisco
Report and pictures by Phil Pasquini
San Francisco: Supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan rallied outside San Francisco City Hall on February 10 to show their support for the ousted PM and renowned former cricket player. Holding American, Pakistani and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) political party flags, the small group voiced their ongoing support for Khan’s return into the political arena in their belief that he is the right man to bring the country back from the brink.
The popular Khan who founded PTI in 1996 was prime minister from 2018-2022 before being ousted after a no-confidence vote when Shehbaz Sharif replaced him. In the aftermath, massive demonstrations took place across the country calling for Khan’s return to office. Since that time the country has fallen victim to massive monsoonal flooding leaving two million people homeless and $30bn in damages, an imposing economic downturn, unreliable and expensive utilities, intermittent cell phone service and a major suicide-bomber attack that left 84 people dead.
All of these events have changed the political dynamic of the world’s fifth largest country by population which is also suffering through an inflation rate of almost 28 per cent, its highest peak since 1975.
Another looming disaster is the very real possibility of the country defaulting on its IMF loan. In a last-ditch effort to meet its obligation, a deal is being worked out with the IMF that would see taxes rise to keep from defaulting. This proposed raise in taxes would be at the expense of ordinary citizens already suffering under the repressive financial situation in their daily lives.
Since his ouster, Imran Khan has been calling for a change of government in hopes of prevailing in the upcoming October elections. The popular former PM has a possible chance of recapturing his old position as things continue in a downward spiral towards a failed economy as ordinary Pakistanis’ lives continue to be so challenging.
During the protest PTI supporters held signs calling for the return of Khan and insisting on “love for all hatred for none; Freedom of choice, speech and religion; Humanity first and equal rights for all; and Death to Fascism and freedom for people.” Many of their proclamations echo those of demonstrators in other countries across the globe in these uncertain and challenging times.
But alas it will take more than popularity, love, freedom, good will, hopes and equal rights to resolve a problem that has been long in coming while not ending any time soon no matter how good people’s intentions are.
(Phil Pasquini is a freelance journalist and photographer. His reports and photographs appear in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and Nuze.ink. He is the author of Domes, Arches and Minarets: A History of Islamic-Inspired Buildings in America.)