EMS Launches Houston Ethnic Media (HEM) at Houston Endowment
After months of events and planning, some two dozen ethnic media outlets serving Houston's growing AAPI, South Asian, Latino, Black communities met on Feb 16 at the Houston Endowment to endorse the launch of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic media association. "Working together we can build the sector's visibility, and become a stronger advocacy voice for our audiences," one attendee noted. At a time of rising hate crimes, HEM members want to promote greater inter-racial, inter-ethnic understanding. One first step—to raise awareness about Texas Senate Bill 147 which would ban governments, businesses and citizens of China, North Korea, Iran and Russia from buying real estate in the state.
"Now Asians are the targets, next it could be Blacks or Latinos," one participant warned. Through hosting monthly news briefings with experts and public officials, the group will get on the radar of the public sector and push for fairer investment in ethnic media advertising, especially public awareness campaigns. HEM's directory lists over 50 ethnic print, online, TV and radio outlets—many doing business for over 40 years. – Ethnic Media Services