Six New Books Published by Sadequain Foundation USA
In pursuance of its goals, SADEQUAIN Foundation USA published six books on Sadequain’s life and art during the calendar year 2022. Many of the artworks included in the books had never been documented before.
These books are available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=sadequain&crid=2XDP36EPG6SNJ&sprefix=sadequain%2Caps%2C168&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
By virtue of an exhaustive search by SADEQUAIN Foundation USA, his artworks have been documented for posterity.
1. The Legend of SADEQUAIN – Khatt-e-Sadequaini
2. Mystic Expressions – Ghalib, Iqbal, and Faiz
3. Figurations Mystique – Collection of Drawings from 1966
4. SADEQUAIN Drawings 1970 – Drawings from 1970
5. SADEQUAIN-ISM 101 – SADEQUAIN’s philosophy
6. SADEQUAIN-ISM 201 – SADEQUAIN’s take on right-wing
Considering the abuse SADEQUAIN has suffered at the hands of the art mafia, the sale of his fakes has been reduced to a trickle.
Sadequain is among a handful of Pakistanis whose name and work transcend national or cultural barriers. For his services in the field of arts and for introducing Pakistan’s softer image around the globe the government of Pakistan conferred upon him 4 awards (in the field of arts) namely, Nishan-e-Imtiaz, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, Tamgha-e-Imtiaz, and Pride of Performance. No Pakistani can make this claim.
In his lifetime Sadequain’s preeminence was recognized on all 5 continents. He was the finest ambassador of the nation’s identity. The New York Times acknowledged his prodigious palette even before the advent of social media and the age of computers in as early as 1963. Not many Pakistanis can make this claim. French newspaper Le Monde quoted, “Sadequain’s multiplicity is reminiscent of Picasso.” The UAE newspaper Khaleej Times complimented him on June 20, 1980, by stating, “Renaissance of Islamic Calligraphy. A mystic artist from Pakistan who has become a legend in his own time. The remarkable story of Sadequain, who did not seek but was endowed with divine inspiration.” These accolades by prestigious international media place Sadequain on a pedestal that not many Pakistanis can ascend.
A confluence of Picasso, Michelangelo, Omar Khayyam, and calligrapher Yakoot, Sadequain was recognized as a genius in the field of arts, calligraphy, and poetry. Likes of him are not born for centuries. His work was unique, like none other, innovative, and by all measures, difficult to duplicate.
Established in 2007, SADEQUAIN Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to discovering, preserving, and promoting Sadequain’s art globally. To that end, the Foundation has published 25 books on Sadequain’s life and work, and curated more than 100 seminars and exhibitions around the globe resulting in resurrection of Sadequain from obscurity.

Dr Salman Ahmad, founder, Sadequain Foundation, is an electrical engineer by profession. He spent more than thirty years working on nuclear missile technology in senior executive positions in the United States and was the founder and president of an electronics communications company for seven years. He founded the SADEQUAIN Foundation in June 2007 to catalog Sadequain’s work and introduce it to the world. He has authored 24 books on Sadequain There are many more books in the pipeline.