SALAM Interfaith Iftar Focuses on the Blessings of Ramadan
By Ras H. Siddiqui

The Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims (SALAM) held its Annual Interfaith Iftar (Ramadan breaking of the fast) at its community center on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. In these trying times for the worldwide Interfaith Community, this effort requires even more appreciation, as the tradition of gathering people of multiple faiths successfully continued here in Sacramento through this SALAM event. The focus of this Iftar was certainly more inward this time as the “Blessings of Ramadan” took center stage.

The evening started with registration and seating as emcee for the evening and SALAM”s Outreach & Learning Director Asif Haq called the full house to attention and went through the details of the evening program schedule, from the opening Qur’an Recitation to the breaking of the fast and Maghrib (sunset) prayers ending with dinner. Br Asif also invited non-Muslims in attendance to observe Muslims in prayer at the adjacent SALAM Mosque, one of the most beautiful places of worship in the Sacramento region.
The formalities began with a fine invocation in Arabic by Shaykh Saad ElHelaly followed by the English translation of the Quranic verses by Waseem Aridin. And that set the stage for the Chairperson, SALAM Board of Trustees Br Omar MoheyEldin to deliver his official words of welcome on behalf of the organization. Br Omar said that this was SALAM’s 24 th Interfaith Iftar and that we are honored to break our fast together and share a meal with everyone including (non-Muslims) tonight. He added that the month of Ramadan is not just about food and extra prayers, it is an annual alignment. Each individual works hard towards becoming a better person during this time.
The blessings of Ramadan are many, said Br Omar. One important blessing is the awareness of what we have, what we own, conveniences, a full belly, and the safety of our homes. Ramadan is a month in which we refrain from having things that are permissible so that we feel for those who don’t have a choice or the privilege, he said. Our hearts and duaa/prayers go to the millions under siege in Palestine and other places in the world.
The Chairperson also acknowledged some of the dignitaries present, including Dr Lisa Cardoza, President of American River College; Dr Robert Snowden, Dr Mark Wheeler, Chief of Staff Sacramento State and the whole Sac State family, Dr Flo Cofer (running for Mayor of Sacramento), M. Beckwith and C. Hales from the US Attorney’s Office, Murdock Smith, Executive Director of Highlands Charter & Community School, Vicky Gonzalez, Sarit Laschinsky and John Martell from Cap Radio, Jenine Alsouqi from CAIR California PAC, YK Chalamcherla, and David Mandel a friend from the Jewish community. Another person recognized was the Vice Mayor of Rancho Cordova Siri Pulipati.
The sponsors who made this Interfaith Iftar possible were Dr Ayad Al-Qazzaz, Dr Metwalli & Rosalie Amer, Br Javed Siddiqui and the JTS Engineering Family, Br Waseem and Sr Joumana Bawa, Br Javed Iqbal, Sharif Jewelers, Dr Hiba Hamdan, Br Kais Menoufy and the Delegata Family, Dr Mutaz Hussien and Dr Reem Olaby. Our sincere thanks to all of them.
After Br Omar, the next segment was the Youth Presentations which Sister Anne Kjemtrup coordinated once again. Sister Anne has been associated with SALAM for many years in key capacities and thanks to her efforts, this youth segment is now an important part of this annual Interfaith Iftar program. This year three area Muslim youth namely Aminah Smati, Waseem Aridin and Riyad Mahdi shared their insights and interactions with non-Muslim school and classmates on the topic of Ramadan. “Not even water?” was just one reaction they had received and there were many more. It was a learning experience for us older attendees who got to learn about what our kids go through during this blessed month in schools across America. It was also great to hear how the school friends of our Muslim youth continue to learn more about Ramadan and show their support while their Muslim friends are fasting.
The SALAM Distinguished Award presentation was next, during which Dr Metwalli Amer and Br Omar MoheyEldin presented a plaque to honor the exceptional interfaith and community services of Br Akram Keval. The award was given to recognize Br Akram’s long service at the Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento, his contribution to the “United We Stand” annual event in partnership with SALAM over the years, and his devotion to building bridges between all area faith communities. Br Akram Keval humbly accepted the award and thanked his wife Shazia and other family members for supporting his work along with several individuals present for their encouragement. Congratulations Br Akram. You certainly deserved this honor!
The keynote speech at the event was presented by Imam Hasan Thibodeux from Sacramento’s Masjid As-Sabur. Blessings of Ramadan were the core topic of his speech, but the Imam covered many other areas as well during his 25-minute address. The Imam said that he could really relate to the young people who spoke here earlier on the challenges of being a Muslim during Ramadan. No food and no water! He added that for him personally it is setting goals for Ramadan. When we can abstain from something that is lawful then we can certainly abstain from something that is unlawful, he said. Deen (religion) over Dunya (world), he added.
Imam Hasan said that Ramadan is the time to work on our weaknesses. Human beings can make choices about changing their future, unlike many other living things that do not. Ramadan is the time to give life a tune-up! It is a time to study our purpose in life and what is it that we are striving for. This is also the time to remember the people who are fasting involuntarily. They won’t get to break their fast. It is the time for us to remember not just forgiveness but the power of forgiveness. We can remove the darkness from our hearts and pursue humbleness during this month. Controlling one’s anger like the Prophet (SWW) should be a priority. Ramadan is a time to challenge yourself. You don’t know what you can accomplish, he added.
The Imam touched on a few other issues like racism, implicit bias, and standing up for Palestine and protesting what is happening in the Gaza Strip. Let us not get comfortable in our safe little bubbles as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, he added. Strive to be the best version of yourselves. We are spiritual creatures having human experience, he said.
The call to prayer or Adhan was delivered by Shaykh Achour El-Qaddoury next to signal the end of the fast, during which dates and water were consumed before the Muslims went to pray at the SALAM Mosque next door. Some non-Muslims accompanied them and observed how Muslims pray. Upon return, a delicious dinner was served.
To conclude, this SALAM Interfaith Iftar was certainly held during challenging times due to the horrors we have witnessed remotely from Gaza and the Israel-Palestine conflict once again being front page news. But as I mentioned to SALAM co-founder Dr Metwalli Amer who thankfully had the foresight to start this event along with a handful of others about a quarter century ago, one should be happy that such a line of communication is locally open, especially between Jews and Muslims. There is a lot of anger out there today which is understandable. But let us continue to hope and pray for a better tomorrow.
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