A Historic First: Sacramento Ramadan Iftar Unites the Causeway
By Ras H. Siddiqui
Sacramento, California is considered as one of the most diverse cities in America. It is known for its rich mosaic of religions, cultures and cuisines and can also boast of two of the finest public universities around which have contributed a great deal to the area and its rise. First, UC Davis is already a world-renowned
school (and much more) but one cannot ignore neighboring CSU Sacramento (locally known as Sac State) either. Sacramento and Davis are connected to each other by a bridged causeway; hence the road is and remains their connecting lifeline.

While the relationship between Sac State and UCD is often considered a sporting causeway rivalry, on Monday, April 1, 2024, it transformed into “Causeway Unity” as approximately 400 people gathered at the CSU Sacramento University Union Ballroom to highlight the Muslim presence in the region via an Iftar (breaking of the Ramadan fast). And this was certainly no April fools’ joke as the Chancellor of UC Davis, Garay S. May, and the President of CSU Sacramento, J. Luke Wood not only graced the event but addressed it too. The credit for this goes to the President’s Office at Sac State, the UC Davis Muslim Faculty Association (MFA), and the Sharif Family with legendary Professor Ayad S. Al-Qazzaz in the supporting picture. So, this was no ordinary Iftar, but a historic first event of its kind in the area.
After checking in and some social time during which it was great to meet many local friends and Sacramento City Councilmember Mai Vang and her dynamic volunteer Sada Ahmed (great job Sada!), the evening started with Erum Abbasi Syed, Co-Chair of the UCD-MFA stepping onto the stage and welcoming everyone. She said that it was a great honor to have this event be amongst the first major ones under the MFA banner. Erum also revealed that she shares the distinction of being both a UCD Aggie and a Sac State Hornet (Stingers Up!). She also expressed her gratitude to Mahmoud Sharif and Mark Wheeler, Senior Advisor to the President CSU Sacramento for the idea of holding this event.
Ramadan is a time for spiritual introspection and gratitude for Muslims worldwide reminding us of the privileges we often take for granted, she said. This year considering the huge loss of human life in Gaza, Erum called for a moment of silence to grieve the lives lost which now include those of over 12,000 children. Also mentioned was the historic nature of the evening and how it has brought two universities together. The theme for this event was “Islamic Tradition and Knowledge” as Islam started with the word Iqra (Read) spoken to the Prophet Muhammad (SWW) by the Angel Gabriel, she added.
The next speaker Dr Andrew Li Co-Chair of the MFA started with “Happy Ramadan” and thanked the Sharif family and Professor Al-Qazzaz along with President Wood and his office for hosting the event in this beautiful hall. He said that he became a Muslim 17 years ago and remains one even though he does not have a Muslim sounding name. He added that it may sound funny, but it may not be, especially with the prevalence of Islamophobia in parts of the world. The unfortunate reality especially for our Hijab wearing sisters. He indicated that in suffering, Muslims cope, often in silence while interacting with the outside community and that silence sometimes becomes internal. This creates barriers and that is why we need to reach out to our neighbors and coworkers to share our human identity, our joys, aspirations, and our tears, he said. Dr Li also introduced the next speaker, UC Davis Chancellor, Gary S. May.
Chancellor May not only brings incredible credentials to his position with him but also happens to be a soft-spoken person. He thanked the staff and the organizers whose dedication made this event possible along with the host, Sacramento State President Wood. He said that tonight’s Iftar dinner is a beautiful testament to our spirit and community understanding. As we break bread together, we acknowledge the richness of diverse traditions. I appreciate the opportunity to listen and share with you all, added May. At the heart of Ramadan lies the call for protection, forgiveness, and helping those in need, he said.
The UC Davis Chancellor also said that he appreciated today’s theme and as a lifetime educator himself he respected the aspiration of the Muslim community for pursuing the path of education, and he was quite appreciative of the work of the UCD-MFA. Chancellor May also called for increased support for Muslim, Arab and Palestinian students especially after the past several months, and the need to stand up against hate and discrimination in all forms. Thank you, Chancellor! We appreciate your attendance and edifying words of wisdom.
Next up Sac State’s Professor Ayad Al-Qazzaz took the opportunity to speak and introduce President Wood. But before that let us just say that Ayad has taken the idea that some Professors never retire to the next level. If we are not mistaken, he has been teaching at this university for around 55 years or more. And we in the Muslim community have come to appreciate his efforts at bringing the area Muslim and Arab community into the Sacramento mainstream.
Al-Qazzaz thanked Mahmoud Sharif and all the volunteers for making this event possible. On J. Luke Wood, the ninth President of Sac State, he said that there was something special, different, and unique about him visa vis the other presidents. Number 1 is that he is very young (early 40’s) and very dynamic. And another thing different about him is that he is also a scholar who has written and published many books. He is also aggressively pursuing a policy of diversity, inclusion and equity and justice for all. He has a vision, a plan, and he is already implementing it, said Al-Qazzaz.
Sacramento State-CSU newest President Dr J. Luke Wood is a very good speaker as well. He started his speech with a good evening and Ramadan Kareem greeting. He said that this was his first year as President and that he was very happy that this event was taking place here and hoped that it would continue for many more years to come. He thanked Chancellor May for being here along with his lovely wife and for bringing the Davis community together with Sacramento State to show just how united we are, and to celebrate our first inter-campus Iftar of both Sacramento State and UC Davis. He also thanked the organizers, Mahmoud Sharif and his entire family, the UCD-MFA, Dr Hiba Hamdan, and some others including Dr Mark Wheeler.
President Wood also thanked everyone for supporting the historic and momentous event, and in doing so they were supporting our Muslim communities at Sac State and UC Davis in the broader Sacramento region. He said that he was proud that Sacramento State is becoming a more anti-racist, anti-Islamophobic, anti-hate campus. In observing Ramadan, we acknowledge our commitment to serving the public good, he added. And for that, we thank President Wood for joining us in this historic launch of the Muslim presence and inclusion in the region.
After a short break the call to prayer or Adhan was heard, the fast was broken, and Muslims proceeded to prayer. A delicious dinner was served and that proved to be this writer’s undoing because reporting on the event had to take a back seat to recover, after meal consumption. Dr Hiba Hamdan was extremely eloquent in her introductions of Dr Harvey Stark of Sacramento State’s Department of Humanities and Religious Studies and Dr Mairaj U. Syed of the Department of Religious Studies and Program at the Middle East/South Asia Studies at UC Davis. The two engaged in a scholarly exchange termed a “Conversation on Islamic Tradition and Education” during which it was interesting to learn that Stark, a Jewish professor, could teach classes on Islam, and Syed, a Muslim professor, about Judaism! It was a great exchange of information.
Some very impressive closing remarks by Dr Mark Wheeler closed the formalities. But just before the end both Chancellor May and President Wood were presented tokens of appreciation by a member of the Sharif family.
Eid Mubarak to all our readers. Let usl pray for peace.