“Today, we pay tribute to our founding father, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, for his strong conviction and visionary leadership that led to the creation of Pakistan,” the ambassador stated. “Today, as a nation, we are custodians of that dream. We continue to work for political cohesion and economic development.” -Ambassador Masood Khan

Ambassador Masood Khan and Abdul Hafeez Khan

Ambassador Khan and Nasruddin Rupani

Iftar at the Embassy Pakistan Day function
Pakistan Embassy Celebrates National Day in Style
By Elaine Pasquini
Photos by Phil Pasquini
Washington: More than 450 friends, diplomats, US government officials, members of the media and think tanks, along with members of Washington’s vibrant Pakistani community celebrated the National Day of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan at its Embassy on March 22, 2024. Masood Khan, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, presided over the evening’s activities commemorating the 1940 independence resolution which called for the creation of an independent state for the Muslim-majority provinces in the then-United India under British colonial control. This landmark resolution led to the creation of Pakistan on August 14,1947, officially ending more than 150 years of British colonial rule.
“Today, we pay tribute to our founding father, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, for his strong conviction and visionary leadership that led to the creation of Pakistan,” the ambassador stated. “Today, as a nation, we are custodians of that dream. We continue to work for political cohesion and economic development.”
He stressed Pakistan’s commitment to continue investing in IT, energy, agriculture and minerals extraction. Khan also reaffirmed women empowerment as an abiding obligation and recognized women as key drivers of national success.
Ambassador Khan emphasized Pakistan’s dedication to a peaceful neighborhood where all countries live like a family. “This is our dream in South Asia,” he said. “Let’s put our disputes on a peace table and resolve them diplomatically and democratically. Let the people of Jammu and Kashmir exercise their right to self-determination through a ballot box in accordance with the UN resolutions.”
Michael Schiffer, USAID Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Asia, thanked Ambassador Khan for the invitation and for providing the opportunity to celebrate the rich heritage and vibrant culture of Pakistan. “For more than 75 years, the United States and Pakistan have worked hand-in-hand on issues that matter deeply to both of our countries and both of our peoples,” he said.
Shared objectives of the two countries, he noted, are sustainable economic growth, greater access to energy, gender equality, strengthening peace and inclusion, education and healthcare. Recalling US assistance to the flood-affected people of Pakistan during the catastrophic floods of 2022, Schiffer said that as recovery continues “so does our assistance to these areas.”
Next, Ambassador Khan bestowed Pakistan’s national awards on Pakistani Americans Nasruddin Rupani and Abdul Hafeez Khan.
Hafeez Khan, a leading Pakistani entrepreneur in the US, achieved rapid success with his brand Tweaker Energy Shot, which became the fastest-growing and top-value product in the competitive energy beverage market within eight years.
His commitment to philanthropy and community engagement is exemplified by the establishment of the Razzaq Foundation, a charity organization dedicated to helping those in need. Beyond financial support, Khan actively participates in community development initiatives.
In Dallas, he converted a church into the well-known Al-Razzaq Islamic Center, named after his father. This initiative not only provided a place of worship but also reflected his dedication to fostering cultural understanding.
In a strategic and patriotic move, Hafeez Khan demonstrated his unwavering commitment to safeguarding Pakistan's interests when the Pakistan Embassy in Washington DC faced the threat of being sold. Recognizing the diplomatic and symbolic significance of this property, Khan took decisive action and purchased the property by outbidding others and paying the highest price. This financial commitment, made in July 2023, effectively secured the preservation of the embassy as a crucial Pakistani asset.
Nasruddin Rupani, a Houston-based Pakistani philanthropist and a successful entrepreneur, is the president of World’s Gold & Diamonds Inc and US Insurance Funding Inc.
Indulging his passion for community and humanitarian service, Rupani has founded many civil society organizations in Pakistan and the US. He chairs the Ibn Sina Foundation, established in 2001 as a not-for-profit organization, providing medical care to the uninsured and low-income population in Houston. Ibn Sina has treated over 1.5 million patients at its seven clinics with an annual budget of $12 million.
With the vision to create a sustainable society for future generations, in 2006 Rupani established the Rupani Foundation. In addition to the US, the foundation works in Pakistan’s four provinces and Gilgit-Baltistan on early childhood development. For this program, he established over 200 early childhood centers and five academies. Rupani conceptualized and is managing more than 12 sustainable livelihood projects including precious stone-cutting training centers, fruit trees, and environmental tourism in northern Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Rupani has received a number of congressional, civic, and local proclamations and certificates of appreciation in the fields of health and early childhood education since 2003. He is the recipient of the US Presidential Volunteer of the year award in 2021. Rupani spearheaded the Gilgit-Baltistan investment conference ‘Invest-GB’ in Dubai, which attracted businesses from all over the world and MOUs worth $2 billion were signed. He not only financed the conference but later brought investors to Gilgit-Baltistan. He organized a Muslim Mental Health Conference in Houston in 2022. Recently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott performed groundbreaking of the first mental health wellness center in Houston.
In conclusion, Ambassador Khan thanked the State Department for working continually to give a new vigor and strength to Pak-US ties. “Pakistan-US relations have a magnificent past and they have a bright future. As I speak, both sides are working hard to recalibrate our ties structured around trade, investment, green energy, healthcare, education, science, and technology. Together we would continue to work for regional security and counter transnational threats, especially terrorism,” he said.
The following morning, Pakistan’s National Day was commemorated with patriotic spirit as Ambassador Khan led the flag-hoisting ceremony at the embassy and the National Anthem filled the air with pride. National Day messages from the President and the Prime Minister of Pakistan were read with all embassy officials coming together to honor this day with heartfelt zeal and enthusiasm.
(Elaine Pasquini is a freelance journalist. Her reports appear in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and Nuze.Ink.