Allama Mashriqi Book Award Announced
"I established this award to encourage authors to shed light on the life and legacy of my grandfather, Allama Mashriqi. His life serves as a profound source of inspiration, and through well-researched and insightful works, individuals can not only gain a deeper understanding of his remarkable contributions but also be motivated to emulate his values. Such literature has the potential to inspire societal progress and foster individuals who, like Mashriqi, are committed to the betterment of humanity." – Nasim Yousaf
The 61st death anniversary of Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi was solemnly observed on August 27, 2024, at the Khaksar Tehrik headquarters in Icchra, Lahore, where Mashriqi's final resting place is located.
In commemoration of this significant anniversary, his grandson, Scholar Nasim Yousaf, announces the creation of the Allama Mashriqi Book Award. This prestigious accolade, endowed with a prize of Pakistani Rupees 100,000, aims to continue and honor the legacy of Allama Mashriqi, a revered scholar, freedom fighter, founder of the Khaksar Movement, Islam League, and “Al-Islah” journal, as well as the author of the Nobel Prize-nominated book “Tazkirah.”
The award invites explorations of Mashriqi's anti-colonial struggle and his leading role in ending British rule in the Indian subcontinent. It seeks to honor works that illuminate key themes central to Mashriqi's life and philosophy, including discipline, equality, simplicity, self-reliance, self-purification, self-sacrifice, empowerment of the masses, social justice, community service, and action. The award will recognize books that examine Mashriqi's principled living, efforts to uplift marginalized communities, ideals of interfaith harmony, and vision of ethical leadership in politics.
Of particular interest are works addressing Mashriqi's pioneering stance on women's empowerment and gender equality in the 1930s, when he faced fierce opposition from orthodox religious scholars.
The award aims to recognize books that not only contribute to the scholarly understanding of Mashriqi's legacy but also provide fresh perspectives on applying his ideology to current challenges such as corruption and self-serving politics.
Established by Mr Yousaf, the award seeks to preserve his grandfather's legacy while inspiring new generations to engage with societal issues. It encourages scholarly work aligned with Mashriqi's vision and underscores the importance of intellectual and moral leadership in addressing contemporary challenges.
The Allama Mashriqi Book Award will be presented to the most deserving book on August 27, 2025, recognizing exceptional scholarship that aligns with Mashriqi's vision and values, provided the submissions meet the award's criteria. Details regarding the criteria and the application process will be provided in the coming months. For further information, interested parties are encouraged to visit the official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AllamaMashriqiBookAward.
– From the US Office, Scholar Nasim Yousaf, August 27, 2024