Sacramento Seerah Conference Pays Rich Tributes to Prophet Muhammad (SWW)

By Ras H. Siddiqui

A Seerah or biography of Prophet Muhammad (SWW - May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) is an invaluable resource for honoring and understanding the message of the Last Messenger of God in the Abrahamic traditions of Islam. The revered Prophet Muhammad (SWW) has remained central to the growth of Islam since its inception, and his biography continues to provide an example for us to follow. Muslims sometimes gather to revisit the Prophet’s life close to his birthday (Mawlid - which falls on the 12 th of the Islamic month of Rabi' al-Awwal). Seerah events extol the Prophet’s life, his simplicity, and his honesty. His exemplary life of moderation is something that we can continue to learn from, one of the main reasons why we need to revisit it.

Sacramento’s Mufti Aamir Nazir has taken it upon himself to continue holding a Seerah Conference event in the Sacramento area which he initiated at another Islamic Center. He is now the main force behind the establishment of Al-Mumtaz Institute in suburban Fair Oaks, California, which happens to be amongst the newest Islamic centers in the area. This year several Islamic scholars, Imams and Muftis attended the Seerah event including Imam M. A. Azeez (Tarbiya Institute), Mufti Mudassir Owais (ICF), Maulana Obaidu Rahman (ISCCA), Imam Mumtaz Qasmi (Muslim Mosque Association), Shaykh Saad El Helaly (SALAM), Sheikh Abdullah Elsharkawy (MCYC), Hafiz Tulaib Zafir, Maulana Yusuf Bhola (Lodi), and Mufti Nabil (Modesto).

Mufti Aamir had this to say in a follow-up statement: On behalf of Al-Mumtaz, I would like to thank our well-wishers, supporters, and friends for making our first annual Seerah (SWW) conference at Al Mumtaz a huge success by taking out time and showing up in large numbers - Alhamdulillah! The local and extended community showed up here from as far away as the Bay Area and surrounding areas and were enchanted and captivated by wonderful renditions of Naats, Nasheeds, Qira’ah and thought-provoking speeches by our respected speakers and presenters, Masha’Allah!

Mufti Aamir continued: I would like to thank our amazing team of volunteers for their tireless efforts in arranging the event and making sure everything was in perfect order before, during, and after the event. May Allah (SWT) make this event and inspiring messages a source of inspiration for us all and a moment of upliftment for the Ummah at large! Aameen. I would also like to thank our sponsors of the event for your constant contributions and help. May Allah (SWT) bless you and your families immensely!

The afternoon of January 19, 2025, at Al Mumtaz started with a short introduction by event host Mufti Aamir Nazir and a fine Qur’anic recitation by Sheikh Abdullah Elsharkawy. This was followed by a Nasheed (Naat) in Urdu by Hafiz Tulaib Zafir. Mufti Aamir elaborated on the topic for the day saying that Seerah also means a particular path and here we are trying to backtrack and to find footprints of the Prophet (SWW) while delving into his Seerah. Mufti Mudassir Owais next presented (in Urdu) a comprehensive view of guidelines for Muslim family life in general and the Prophet’s life in particular. He also commended Imam Aamir for his many years of service in the community and conveyed his blessings on the founding of Al Mumtaz Institute. He prayed for its continued growth and success.

After a short break for Asr prayers led by Imam Qasmi, another Naat by Hafiz Tulaib, and an Arabic Nasheed by Shaykh Saad El Helaly started the second segment. This was followed by an amazing and informative talk by Imam Azeez who spoke on the topic of a comeback from setbacks in the life of the Prophet (SWW) and how the Ummah can draw from his example. Speaking in English, this speech was so inspiring that we believe that it needs to be shared on the national stage here in America and if possible, globally. It reflected on the current predicament of the Muslim world where one has had to fall back deeply into our Deen, especially in the case of the people of Gaza, who have had to endure hellish conditions. The Imam also included people in Syria, Yemen, Kashmir, and other areas where many have suffered. In a nutshell, Azeez said that the Prophet (SWW) did not ever resort to exacting revenge, even when he came back to Mecca with a victorious army after he and his followers suffered for many years at the hands of its inhabitants.

After a brief overview of Al Mumtaz Institute, two other scholars presented their views before Maghrib prayers and dinner closed the event. It was certainly an inspiring and educational afternoon at the institute, and we hope that this tradition of holding a Seerah Conference here continues to educate and inspire area Muslims.



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Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui