A Fact Sheet on Ramdan 2025


WHO : Muslims follow the way of life, or the religion, called Islam. Your family member, friend, neighbor, coworker, teacher, student, or boss could be a Muslim. There are about  2 billion Muslims worldwide  and  4.5 million Muslims  in the United States.

WHAT:  Fasting all day long

WHEN:  This year, Ramadan began on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Ramadan lasts 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar cycle, which the Islamic calendar is based on. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. 

WHERE: Worldwide. The two largest Muslim countries by population are in Asia: Indonesia and Pakistan. Muslims live in virtually all parts of the world, ranging from Muslim-majority countries like Saudi Arabia in the Middle East and Nigeria in Africa to the US, Canada, England, France, Spain, and Italy.

WHY : Muslims fast in the month of Ramadan to develop closeness to God, self-control, and willpower. Through fasting, along with extra acts of prayer and charity encouraged during this month, they hope to emerge stronger spiritually.

HOW:  The fast takes place as follows:

  • Before dawn, Muslims are encouraged to wake up and eat a meal, called Suhoor in Arabic.
  • Starting from dawn, they begin the fast. Fasting means they do not eat or drink anything (including water) or have sex from this time until sunset. Muslims are also expected to shun behavior that harms themselves or others, including using vulgar language, wasting time, gossiping, etc. The latter applies outside of Ramadan as well. 
  • During the day, they maintain a normal schedule. In Muslim countries, it is common for employers to reduce the working day to ease workers' schedules.
  • Muslims maintain the usual five daily prayers during their fast. 
  • Sunset: At this time, Muslims break their fast with joy and gratefulness to God. Muslims are encouraged not to overeat. The fast-breaking meal is called Iftar in Arabic. 

Other points:

  • It is recommended that Muslims be exceptionally generous during this month. This is why it is common to see many mosques and Muslim communities engage in more service to their communities than usual. This includes organizing food and clothing drives, serving the hungry in food pantries, etc. It is similar to the holiday spirit widely found in December in the United States during Christmas season. 
  • Ramadan is also a time Muslims seek God's forgiveness as well as the  forgiveness  of those they have hurt. 
  • This year, Ramadan is expected to end on Saturday, March 29, 2025. - SoundVision


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Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui