Saturday, April 16, 2011
Clinton defends Taliban talks
BERLIN: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday voiced understanding for talks with the Taliban as she mourned late diplomat Richard Holbrooke, an avid proponent of reconciliation in Afghanistan.
At a memorial service, Clinton credited Holbrooke with setting the troubled US relationships with Pakistan and Afghanistan on the right track as special envoy to the countries.
“Those who found negotiations with the Taliban distasteful got a very powerful response from Richard - diplomacy would be easy if we only had to talk to our friends,” Clinton said at the American Academy in Berlin.
“And negotiating with your adversaries wasn’t a disservice to people who had died, if by talking you could prevent more violence,” Clinton said.
Holbrooke was seen as the main force in President Barack Obama’s administration seeking a political deal in Afghanistan, despite calls by conservatives and the military to try to crush Taliban insurgency. Clinton, while supporting the diplomatic push, made clear in talks Thursday with NATO foreign ministers that the United States would stay committed militarily in Afghanistan well beyond a July drawdown date originally set by Obama. afp
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