
Nato Chief urges Pakistan to open transit supply route

BRUSSELS: NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen urged Pakistan Thursday to step up its efforts to fight terrorism and to open the transit supply route to NATO forces in Afghanistan.

"And when it comes to our relationship with Pakistan, my main point is to stress that we need a positive engagement of Pakistan if we are to ensure long-term peace and stability not only in Afghanistan but in the region as such. So we want a strong and positive cooperation and relationship with Pakistan," he told a press conference after a meeting of NATO foreign ministers with non-NATO countries contributing troops to ISAF.

The NATO chief said "We have two problems in our relationship with Pakistan. The first is a very immediate challenge to see the transit routes through Pakistan reopened. It is of course an essential element in our operation in Afghanistan that we can cooperate with Pakistan when it comes to transit. So we hope to see these transit routes reopened as soon as possible.”

Rasmussen, who chaired the ISAF ministerial meeting, said discussions helped to prepare for next month's NATO summit in Chicago.

NATO's 28 foreign ministers and 22 ISAF partner nations were joined in talks in Brussels today by the Afghan foreign and defence ministers, the European Union High Representative, the United Nations Special Representative and the Foreign Minister of Japan.


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