
Saturday, April 13, 2013

ECP extends deadline for postal ballots’ submission to 25th

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has extended the deadline for the submission of applications for postal ballots to April 25, on Friday.
The ECP provided an extension of ten days. Earlier, the commission had announced April 15 as the last date for receipt of applications for postal ballots for general elections to the National Assembly and the provincial assemblies. The elector was required to sign the declaration in the application form in the presence of a gazetted officer or a commissioned officer who knew the voter personally or has ascertained the identification, in order to ensure transparency.
The voters to whom postal ballots are issued will not be entitled to vote in person at the polling stations. The ECP regulations state that the application for postal ballot should be submitted to the returning officer of the constituency in which the voter is enrolled, however, the forms can be obtained from any returning officer. The facility was extended only to the persons in government service, members of armed forces, holders of public offices, their wives and their children who are registered voters and ordinarily reside with them provided they are stationed at a place other than the place in which their home constituency is situated. The ECP has urged the prisoners, government employees, including the members of armed forces who are entitled, to send their applications to the respective returning officers within the extended date to avail the facility of postal ballot. nni



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