
Monday, August 08, 2011

IL-Pakistan conducts training workshops for journalists

Staff Report

PESHAWAR: The Individualland Pakistan (IL-Pakistan) successfully concluded a three-day training workshop for local journalists on Saturday.

The workshops were held at a local hotel in partnership with Aurat Foundation under the USAID-supported Gender Equity Programme (GEP), which is the second of its series of workshops on sensitisation of media on gender equity in nine districts of Pakistan. Media personnel belonging to print, television, radio and social media participated in the sessions.

The objectives of the initiative were to sensitise electronic and print media regarding the issue of women empowerment and using it as a medium for advocacy.

During the last session, media personnel related to radio were invited for the event. This was the third in the series of sessions which started on August 4 with print media, while the session of August 5 was held for personnel of the electronic media.

Gulmina Bilal Ahmad and Tauseeq Haider moderated the event, while gender expert Rehana Sheikh acted as a resource person on behalf of IL-Pakistan. Senior journalists from the electronic media participated in the event.

The discussions focused on the sensitivity of communicating women-related issues through media and selection of appropriate messages. On the final day, Radio Pakistan Deputy Controller, Laiqzada Laiq, was the chief guest, who distributed certificates among the participants after the conclusion of the session.

Speaking at the occasion, Gulmina said that IL-Pakistan is an active non-partisan, not for profit registered civil society group. Since its inception, she said, the organisation has worked on pertinent issues in respect to governance, rule of law, media communication skills, strengthening civil society and democratic development.

She added that gender inequality is one of the most pressing issues in Pakistan. Social taboos, religious and cultural elements are among the leading factors that result in a society that does not believe in gender equity, she observed.

She added that IL-Pakistan, with the support of Aurat Foundation and USAID, endeavours to take steps in a direction that will help create awareness among society about this sensitive issue through the media.


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