Pakistan's atomic assets not 'endangered' by Kamra attack: US
WASHINGTON: The US Defence Department Thursday said Pakistan's nuclear assets was not "endangered" following a terrorist attack on Kamra Air Force base.
"I do not have any indication that this particular attack (Kamra) has endangered the Pakistani nuclear stockpile," Pentagon Press Secretary George Little told reporters during an off camera news conference.
He was responding to news reports coming from Pakistan that the attack on the military base in Kamra had threatened the safety of Pakistan's nuclear weapons.
"As for the safety of the Pakistani nuclear programmes, we obviously work closely and on regular basis with Pakistani counterparts towards the safety of their nuclear programme. It is our sense that the Pakistani government maintains good security around their nuclear arsenal," Little said.
The Pakistani Taliban has claimed the responsibility of the attack that left nine attackers and a soldier dead and parts of the complex ablaze. But Pentagon maintained that it has no information on this.
"I can't confirm attribution for this particular attack. Obviously we are concerned and saddened by this attack," Little said.
Early this week, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta had expressed concern that Pakistan's nuclear weapons might land in the hands of terrorist outfits if terrorism inside the country is not brought under control.
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