Aug 29 , 2015


US says Pakistan takes its nuclear responsibilities seriously

WASHINGTON - The White House on Saturday said that it is confident Pakistan is aware of its responsibilities pertaining to the safety and security of its nuclear weapons.

“We continue to be confident that the government of Pakistan is aware of those responsibilities and takes those responsibilities quite seriously,” White House spokesperson Josh Earnest said at a news conference.

The remark came a day after two leading US think tanks claimed in a report that Pakistan would have more than 350 nuclear weapons in a decade, which means that the country would have the third largest stock piles of nuclear weapons after the US and Russia.

Commenting on the report, Earnest said, “I did see the report. I don’t have an official administration assessment to share with you. I would say there a couple things that come to mind.”

The spokesperson went on to add that responsibility for nuclear stockpile remains with all countries, who have secured a nuclear stockpile. “This applies not just to Pakistan, but to countries around the world that have a nuclear stockpile – they have a responsibility for securing that nuclear stockpile,” he said.



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