
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Pakistani pleads guilty in US to aiding militants

WASHINGTON: A Pakistani man living in the United States faces up to 15-year in jail after pleading guilty on Friday to providing material support to the feared militant outfit Lashkare Tayyaba (LeT).

US justice officials said, Jubair Ahmad, 24, posted a propaganda video for LeT “glorifying violent jihad” in 2010, three years after he arrived in the US with his parents and two younger brothers.

“Foreign terrorist organisations such as LeT use the Internet as part of well-orchestrated propaganda campaigns to radicalise and recruit individuals to wage violent jihad and to promote the spread of terror,” said US Attorney Neil MacBride.

Ahmad, will be sentenced on April 13. Ahmad admitted he communicated with the son of the LeT leader, Talha Saeed, who asked him to make a video. agencies


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