Security plan for Ashura: 30000 police personnel deployed in Karachi
KARACHI: More than 30 thousand police officers and personnel have been deployed in the metropolis for security on Tuesday the Ashura day while three temporary Crisis Management Cells have also been established at three different points, Nomaish Chowrangi, Mama Parsi School and Kharader.
This was said in a report presented to Inspector General Police (IGP) Sindh Mushtaque Ahmad Shah regarding security arrangement for Ashura.
The report stated that under the temporary management cells SP Head Quarter East Shafi Rind, SP Court Police Jamshed Inamullah and Principal of Anti-Terrorism Training Center Colonel Abdul Wahid Khan (r) were appointed as Commanding Officers of area from Nishter Park to Tibet Center, from Tibet Center to Denso Hall and from Denso Hall to Hussainia Iranian respectively.
The report further stated that under the supervision of each commanding officer an Anti-Riots platoon consisting of fire brigade vans, ambulances, APCs, 50 police officers and personnel would work and in case of any untoward situation would take action as per law for immediate control over the situation.
Overall 95 mourning processions would be taken out from East, Center, Malir and South Zones on 10th Muharram while 515 mourning gatherings would also be held on the day.
Additional IG Karachi Ghulam Shabir Shaikh said that more than 30 thousand security personnel had been deployed in the city and out of them more than 7 thousand would provide security to the main procession and meeting of Shame-e-Ghariban.
He said that on the route of the main procession security personnel were also deployed on the rooftops of more than 200 selected high buildings while in the side areas of Nishtar Park vigilance was also being made effective from the watch tower.
IGP Sindh while reviewing the report directed the authority concerned to remain high alert and give complete briefing to all security personnel about their duties. He directed that Police officers or personnel must not leave his point without the permission of his in-charge. (PPI)
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