

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Pakistan committed to Afghan reconciliation process: Gilani

* PM says ‘it won’t take long’ to achieve a new relationship with US

* New ties being negotiated with US will ensure that two countries ‘respect each other’s red lines’

LAHORE: Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Monday the country remained committed to working with Afghanistan to bring insurgent leaders into talks with the government and allow the US to begin withdrawing its troops as it is committed to doing.

Gilani’s remarks indicate that Pakistan is looking for a way to restore some normalcy to ties with Washington following the November 26 air strikes by the US-led coalition in Afghanistan, but wants to leverage the situation to try and reset the relationship in ways more beneficial to Pakistan. In an interview with The Associated Press, Gilani also said Pakistan wants to rebuild ties with the United States despite ongoing retaliation over deadly NATO air strikes on its troops along the Afghan border, stressing that he believes “it won’t take long” to achieve a new relationship with its uneasy ally.

“I think we have evolved some mechanisms, and we are ready to cooperate,” he said, referring to meetings with Afghanistan’s military and intelligence chiefs on a framework for talks. “We are committed (to reconciliation), despite that we are not attending” the conference on Afghanistan, he said.

That may offer some reassurance to international leaders meeting in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the future of Afghanistan. Islamabad boycotted the talks because of the air strikes along the Pakistan-Afghan border that killed 24 Pakistani troops. The decision disappointed Afghan and Western leaders, who realise the vital role Pakistan has in any future stability in neighbouring Afghanistan even as they complain that it tolerates, or even supports, insurgents along the border.

Pakistan refused pleas by Afghan and US leaders to attend the Bonn conference. Gilani said he did not regret skipping the meeting, saying, “Since the soil of Afghanistan was used against Pakistan in the NATO raids, there was a tremendous protest in my country and people putting pressure that we not attend.”

Gilani said new ties being negotiated with the US would ensure that the two countries “respected each other’s red lines” regarding sovereignty and rules of engagement along the border. While he gave few details, he made it clear he thought this was both desirable and possible.

“We really want to have good relations with the US based on mutual respect and clearly defined parameters,” he said in an interview at his residence. “I think that is doable. I think that it won’t take long.” This year has a seen a succession of crises in Pakistan-US ties that have been patched up, albeit at a cost of dwindling trust and expectations on both sides.

While no one in Washington underestimates the difficulties in dealing with Pakistan, most officials there also call for continued engagement. Pakistan, despite the fiercely anti-American rhetoric of its people, many of its lawmakers and - increasingly after the NATO strike - its army, relies on Washington for military and civilian aid to maintain some parity with its regional foe India, as well as diplomatic legitimacy.

US officials have said the attacks occurred when a joint US and Afghan patrol requested air support after coming under fire. The US checked with the Pakistan military to see if there were friendly troops in the area and were told there were not, they said.

Pakistan has said the coordinates given by the Americans were wrong - an allegation denied by US defense officials. ap



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