Friday, December 09, 2011
Govt decides to expedite reforms in key institutions
* Firdaus says energy sector reforms to help meet 20-year power demand
* Denies govt under pressure to resume NATO supplies
ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet on Thursday decided to expedite institutional reforms for bettering the performance of key public sector enterprises, and meet every week to evaluate the process.
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdaus Ashiq Awan informed media that in view of the urgency to improve performance of power sector, PIA, Pakistan Railways and Pakistan Steel Mills, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani directed to hold cabinet meeting on a weekly instead of fortnightly basis. “Performance of these institutions was unsatisfactory and the prime minister directed initiatives on war-footing for earlier restructuring and reforms,” the minister said while dilating upon 13-point agenda of the meeting.
Dr Firdaus said reforms introduced in the country’s institutions will produce results in coming years. She said reforms in energy sector will help meet 20 years power demand. She dispelled the impression that there was any pressure on government for the resumption of NATO supplies. “We are not taking pressure from anyone while it is the reality that the government with the support of people of the country, is responding in a benefiting manner.” She said the government had always protected the interests of the masses of the country.
Regarding the memo issue, Firdaus said it was the commitment of the government to conduct a fair and transparent inquiry of the incident. “Now the case is in the Supreme Court, so let the court make a decision over the issue”, she said adding that the government will honour the decision of the court.
She said the prime minister directed uninterrupted gas supply to domestic consumers and evolving a gas sharing formula in consultation with other stakeholders, like industrial, commercial and CNG sectors. “There will be no unscheduled load shedding of electricity and needs of domestic consumers of gas should not be compromised to accommodate other gas users,” she added.
Gilani also directed the Ministry of Water and Power to inform the masses regarding load-shedding schedule through media campaign, the minister added. She said the cabinet also decided to withdraw subsidy from tubewells and start a metering process in all areas where the consumers are not paying bills. Firdaus said, “reforms process will be accomplished step by step, but briskly”, besides ensuring a mechanism of transparency and accountability. She reiterated the government’s resolve to recover the defaulted amount of power sector and said that so far Water and Power Ministry has recovered over Rs 2 billion.
The prime minister has also directed to resolve the issue of net hydel profit for Azad Kashmir, she added. She said the PM directed to work out possibilities to determine uniform tariff by KESC and other distribution companies, and also called for a comprehensive plan to accommodate the major natural gas using sectors, like CNG, fertilisers and industrial and commercial consumers. app
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