Friday, December 16, 2011
Denmark supports ‘peacebuilder’ programme for Pakistani youth
Staff Report
ISLAMABAD: The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) on Thursday announced the support for a peacebuilding programme aimed at empowering the youth for seeking and implementing solution-oriented community building.
In this regard, programme-launching ceremony was held, where the Danish Ambassador to Pakistan, Uffe Wolffhechel was the chief guest.
Members from the development sector, media and international community were also largely present in the event in which speakers highlighted the programme, followed by musical performances by local and international artists, whose music was a reflection of the dynamic youth in Pakistan.
The project is a two-year programme with Search for Common Ground-Pakistan (SFCG), and aims at facilitating dialogue among various stakeholders to contribute to a national peacebuilding discourse.
The programme has a special focus on youth, women, media and social entrepreneurs, who are termed as key partners in peacebuilding.
The programme will include production of radio and TV programmes promoting peace and consensus building mindsets.
Speaking at the event, the Danish ambassador said, “Peace is a concept, which cannot limited to a certain definition and varies from person to person. Our understanding of peace should not merely be an absence of war but an environment, where there is coexistence, hope, imagination and creativity”.
The ambassador stressed that “peace” was the existence of social justice in the society thus providing the people with basic human rights, including food, shelter and education without any hindrance in reaching to one’s full potential.
The ambassador concluded the event by stating that during his stay in Pakistan, he had come across a lot of people, who were doing remarkable work in their field of expertise, and he could see that the common Pakistani was working hard in his efforts to contribute to positive change in the society.
“I see the passion and desire for change everywhere.
This makes me believe you can bring change if there is a drive.
The government of Denmark will be happy to assist if we can,” said Wolffhechel.
Ali Saleem, Country Director for SFCG, stated that the Promotion of Dialogue for Peace-building through Media and Youth Mobilisation in Pakistan project seeks to promote a participatory environment.”
The government of Denmark is contributing $28 million for democratic development, regional stability, human rights and gender equality in Pakistan.
The programme is of a two-year duration and the first phase of a long-term development corporation between Pakistan and Denmark.
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