
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nawaz lashes out at government for defying court orders

* Says country’s future linked with democracy

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif lashed out at the government on Wednesday for defying court orders.

“Countries are not run like that. You cannot even run a shop the way you are running the country,” he said while addressing the provincial council of PML-N.

He also said that the country’s sovereignty was being compromised.

Referring to the emergence of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) as a political force, Nawaz noted that the Musharraf league was now amassing elsewhere.

About the plight of the country, he said that parliament was still weak, judicial rulings were being brushed aside, the country was still plunged in darkness and the youth were on the streets with degrees in their hands.

Taking the government to task for praising the US over the Abbottabad raid and giving acclamatory statements in this regard, Nawaz said, “Who should be approached for our loss of $60 billion incurred in the anti-terror war?”

Nawaz claimed that drone attacks by US secret agencies had destroyed the Tribal Areas and that the government was watching the situation without voicing a word of protest.

The former premier said that it was the right of the nation to know who was behind the conspiracy in the memogate scandal and that he had therefore knocked on the door of the apex court. Nawaz Sharif said that his petition in the Supreme Court on the memogate scandal was aimed at bringing “facts to the notice of the people” and that “I have no personal enmity” with anyone.

He stated that the policies of the present government had dragged the country to the edge of destruction, while national institutions like Pakistan Railways, PIA and the Pakistan Steel Mills were near collapse.

Nawaz said that rulers who had been pursuing Musharraf’s policies would also be held responsible and that the PML-N revolution would sweep the ‘tsunami’ away. Nawaz said that there was not a single corruption case against him and that he had been sentenced to 27 years in prison over a plane hijacking case. He vowed to begin rebuilding Pakistan with tenfold passion, adding that his party honoured and looked up to the democracy in the country.

He paid tribute to the sacrifices offered by the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA in the war against terror and said that they would be remembered for a long time to come.

The PML-N leader criticised those trumpeting the slogan of change and said that they had brought change 20 years ago when they detonated a nuclear device in 1998 and made Pakistan an atomic power.

He recalled that he was offered billions of dollars in return for not carrying out nuclear tests, but “I rejected all such offers and made the country first Islamic nuclear state”.

Nawaz said that he had never bowed down before a dictator and had preferred to live in exile for seven years instead of doing so.

He maintained that they should all work for the development of the country to make it a dignified nation.

While congratulating Pir Sabir Shah for being elected as provincial head of the party, he expressed the confidence that the PML-N would emerge stronger under his leadership.

He also thanked MNA Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Abbasi for supporting the candidature of Pir Sabir Shah for the post.

He advised the provincial cabinet to keep the workers united as they were the real assets of the party. agencies/staff report



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