Pakistani writer makes a global imprint
ISLAMABAD - Harris Khalique is the only Pakistani to be included in a prestigious publication, “Windows on the World 50 writers, 50 views”, recently brought out by Penguin US and featuring eminent writers from across the world like Orhan Pamuk, Nadine Gordimer, Richard Flanagan, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Jerimiah Sullivan and Emma Larkin.
According to the publisher, fifty of the world’s greatest writers share their views in collaboration with the artist Matteo Pericoli, expanding our own views on place, creativity, and the meaning of home. The drawings of the celebrated Italian artist and architect appear with the description of the view by the writers, Kashmir Watch reported. Harris’s description of the view from his office window in Islamabad ends with these lines, “Last week when it stopped raining after several hours, I decided to go beyond the window and walk across the terrace to look over the street from above. I saw a young girl squatting by a small puddle and folding paper into boats. An odd mix of intense sorrow and great hope enveloped my heart.”
Harris is a poet who also writes essays and a regular newspaper column. His major works in Urdu and English poetry include “Ishq Ki Taqveem Mein” (2006), “Between You and Your Love” (2012) and the award-winning collection “Melay Mein” (2012). His work has been anthologised internationally by Oxford University Press, W W Norton and Co, University of Georgia Press, SAARC Writers Forum, Lyrikline and Vallum among others.
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