Dec 05 , 2015
Debate on high rise versus low rise buildings
Speakers emphasise strengthening urban governance, safe transport and choices for urban planners
LAHORE – Speakers emphasised strengthening the urban governance, safe transport, choices for urban planners, a sustainable agenda for water sector and communication reforms in water, sanitation and sewerage in its roundtable discussions and plenary sessions here on Saturday.
On the second day, the sessions were attended by various urban development experts, students, NGOs and international guests especially here to participate in the third of the Pakistan Urban Forum (PUF).
The plenary session on strengthening the urban governance was attended by Housing and Urban Development and PHED Secretary Aim Iqbal, Gilgit Baltistan’s Planning and Development Secretary Hanif Channa, Pakhtunkhwa Transport Secretary Zubair Qureshi, World Bank official Peter Ellis, Kher Muhammad Kalwar and Dr Nasir Javed.
Among international delegates Australian Centre for Excellence for Local Governance Melissa Gibbs, Dr Shabbir Cheema from East West Centre of Excellence Honolulu and Dr Shahed Khan from the Curtin University Perth were contributed in different ongoing sessions. The participants stressed on the need of taking urban governance to another level in order to make most of people benefit out of the fruits of rapid urbanization.
Urban debate on ‘high rise versus low rise buildings’ was attended by a number of participants as they shared experiences and facts in favour and opposition. The debate became well attended especially by architects and students. The speakers made it a point that smart housing is inevitable to meet the challenges of urbanization as well as to avoid density in the cities.
The five day forum is being attended by academia, urban development experts, public sector companies, government departments, IT specialists, communication experts, architects and young students. The forum has registered almost 7000 participants in its two day proceedings and is expecting more than 10,000 participants in the coming days. The third Urban Forum will continue till December 8.
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