
December 13 , 2016

WB urges Pak, India to resolve Ratle, Kishanganga disputes amicably

WASHINGTON: The World Bank today announced a pause in the separate processes initiated by India and Pakistan under the Indus Waters Treaty to allow the two countries to consider alternative ways to resolve their disagreements, a statement said on Tuesday.

The announcement temporarily halts the appointment of a Neutral Expert, as requested by India, and the Chairman of the Court of Arbitration, as requested by Pakistan, to resolve issues regarding two hydroelectric power plants under construction by India along the Indus rivers system. Both processes initiated by the respective countries were advancing at the same time, creating a risk of contradictory outcomes that could potentially endanger the Treaty.

“We are announcing this pause to protect the Indus Waters Treaty and to help India and Pakistan consider alternative approaches to resolving conflicting interests under the Treaty and its application to two hydroelectric power plants,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.

"This is an opportunity for the two countries to begin to resolve the issue in an amicable manner and in line with the spirit of the treaty rather than pursuing concurrent processes that could make the treaty unworkable over time. I would hope that the two countries will come to an agreement by the end of January."

The pause was announced by Kim in letters to the finance ministers of India and Pakistan and emphasized that the Bank was acting to safeguard the Treaty. Pausing the process for now, the Bank would hold off from appointing the Chairman for the Court of Arbitration or the Neutral Expert – appointments that had been expected on December 12 as earlier communicated by the Bank.

Impact on Pakistan:

Pakistan is concerned over the construction of the Kishenganga dam by India as the design may affect water flow into Pakistan. The Indian government however, claimed that it is a run-of-the-river project and would not affect water flow, but the storage capacity of the dam may harm Pakistan’s plans to produce electricity from Neelum-Jehlum Hydropower Project.


India commenced construction of the controversial 330MW Kishanganga project in 2007 on the Neelum River (known as Kishanganga in India) tributary of the Jhelum.
Its 37-metres high concrete-face rock-fill dam, and reservoir having a gross capacity of 14,900 AF, is likely to cause one MAF water inflow reductions in the Neelum Valley.

Ratle project:

One of the largest hydropower projects, costing over one billion dollars, Ratle (850 megawatts) project is strategically located on Chenab River between the upstream of Baglihar and the downstream of Dul Hasti hydropower projects, both in operation.

The project comprises a 133-metres high concrete gravity dam, which is three times higher than Baglihar Dam, and radial gates spillway to pass design flood of 13,814 cubic metres per second (cumecs).

The Indus Waters Treaty:

The treaty, signed in 1960 is seen as one of the most successful international treaties and has withstood frequent tensions between India and Pakistan, including conflict. The Treaty sets out a mechanism for cooperation and information exchange between the two countries regarding their use of the rivers, known as the Permanent Indus Commission which includes a commissioner from each of the two countries. It also sets out a process for resolving so-called “questions”, “differences” and “disputes” that may arise between the parties.



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