Feb 27 , 2016
Siraj accuses govt of 'strengthening interest-based system’
KARAK: Amir Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Sirajul Haq on Saturday accused the government of reinforcing what he called the interest-based system in the country instead of putting an end to the same.
“The government’s focus should been towards providing education to the poor kids, shelter to the shelter-less and medical care to the sick,” Sirajul Haq said while addressing a public meeting here.
The JI Amir said the incumbent government is about complete its three years in power and accused Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of reinforcing the interest-based system instead of eliminating the same.
“I would like to ask Nawaz Sharif whether the Muslims of the sub-continent had migrated for the so-called liberalism,” he said.
He said one thief cannot subject another to accountability in Pakistan while representatives of previous government save the existing ones. “And the institutions responsible to hold corrupts to account play the role of their facilitators,” he regretted.
“If there is any political party that can rid the country of corruption, it is Jamaat-e-Islami,” he added.