February 25, 2019
Fight against Climate Change: ‘Plant for Pakistan’
Muhammad Rafiq
Pakistan has been named by UNO among the top six countries that are most affected by the climate change. Besides having one of the highest deforestation in Asia, Pakistan is 7th country of the world likely to face most adverse effects of global warming. That is why; extreme weather conditions like high temperature, irregular rainfalls, fast melting of glaciers, floods, wildlife extinction and extended droughts are experienced while costing US$ 6-14 billion annually to the country. Decades of deforestation have shrunk the forests to mere 3% of the land area of Pakistan against the UN recommendation of 12%. Fortunately, the incumbent government is not oblivious of the menace of climate change and is taking necessary initiatives to reverse environmental degradation.
Pakistan is all praise globally for its efforts in the recent past to fight with deforestation. While taking into account environmental havoc caused by the timber mafia and the denudation of lush green high valleys during the activities of Taliban from 2006 to 2009, the provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa launched “Billion Tree Tsunami” programme in 2014 with US $ 169 million. This massive reforestation effort has naturally restored the previously deforested landscape that would certainly adapt and mitigate climatic extremes. The programme has already established a network of private tree nurseries and has created around half million “green jobs” in remote mountain territories. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has called this Billion Tree Tsunami a “true conservation success story”.
Success of the programme at KP province was enough motivation to extend the forestation plan to national level when PTI government came to power last year. Then, climate change is one of the major issues that PM Imran’s government aims to tackle. Consequently, a “Plant for Pakistan” programme was launched in September-2018 with a drive for planting 10 billion trees across the country within five years. Idea is to counter the twin threat of climate change and pollution confronting future generations. Arrangements have been made to provide cost free samplings at country-wide 190 points. Under the campaign, 200 events would be showcased in 18 major cities all over the country to motivate institutions, organizations, communities, people, industries and civil societies to plant trees with the purpose to bring about green revolution in Pakistan. German Green Foundation Heinrich Boell Stiftung, working in the country for last 25 years, is supporting “Plant for Pakistan” programme.
However, the catastrophic climate change is a colossal challenge that necessitates a comprehensive strategy in addition to the mega project of “Plant for Pakistan”. Certain measures are devised hereunder that would contribute to slow and reverse climate change:
a) Eventual elimination of burning fossil fuels like coal and oil etc. should be targeted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Switch-over to alternates like solar power, biodiesel, hydrogen electrolyzed out of water & wind power should be aimed.
b) Upgrade of infrastructures like highways, transmission lines and improved cement making process using alternate fuels would cut down greenhouse emissions.
c) Moving closer to work can cut short transport fuel needs. Using mass transit and working from home could be other handy options.
d) Then greenhouse effects can also be reduced with more efficient appliances like ACs, and refrigerators. Getting used to reusable grocery sack should be encouraged.
e) Instead of switching off, power devices have to be unplugged that can save a lot of energy.
f) Water waste should be reduced because saving water reduces carbon pollution.
g) As in KP, zero tolerance policy should be ensured for timber mafia.
h) Besides spreading general awareness about the climate change and the significance of forest cover at school level, educating girls assists a lot in fight against climate change.
i) Forest lands appropriated in connivance with the ruling elites have to dispossessed for reforestation and wildlife habitat development.
j) Close link between environment protection and tourism should be realized.
k) Residents of hillside homes should be supported by the government to relocate to the towns in winter to stop cutting trees for heating.
l) Waste segregating bins should be made available to separate plastic, organic and paper waste. This would help in recycling.
In view of the practicality of the incumbent government, the ideas of green awakening and ecological balance are taking root. However, the government alone cannot realize the dream of climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. Every responsible citizen should contribute towards greener future and reducing per capita carbon emissions.
The writer is Country Manager JSC Subsidiary Bank NBP Kazakhstan. Email: